M60-UCD1 - Wikipedia
M60-UCD1 is an ultracompact dwarf galaxy. It is 49 million light years from Earth, close to Messier 60 (M60, NGC 4649) in the Virgo Cluster. Half of its stellar mass is in the central sphere 160 light years in diameter. [4]
M60-UCD1 - 百度百科
M60-UCD1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M60-UCD1 是距離地球4,900萬 光年,接近 室女座星系團 中的 梅西耶60 (M60, NGC 4649)的一個 超緊緻矮星系 (英语:Dwarf galaxy #ultracompact dwarf galaxy)。 它一半的恆星質量在直徑160光年的中心球體內 [4]。 藝術家概念下對M60-UCD1內超大質量黑洞的描繪 [5]。 M60-UCD1的動力學質量為 200 ± 30 million 太陽質量 (M☉) [1],顏色和顏色梯度的缺乏表明大約 14.5 ± 0.5 billion years old (從 宇宙 年齡就可分辨的) [1][6]。 它們的 金屬量 和 太陽 相似, …
M60-UCD1: An Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxy - NASA
2013年9月24日 · Packed with an extraordinary number of stars, M60-UCD1 is an “ultra-compact dwarf galaxy”. It was discovered with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and follow-up observations were done with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and …
M60-UCD1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
M60-UCD1 是距离地球4,900万 光年,接近 室女座星系团 中的 梅西耶60 (M60, NGC 4649)的一个 超紧致矮星系。 它一半的恒星质量在直径160光年的中心球体内 [4]。 艺术家概念下对M60-UCD1内超大质量黑洞的描绘 [5]。 M60-UCD1的动力学质量为 200 ± 30 million 太阳质量 (M☉) [1],颜色和颜色梯度的缺乏表明大约 14.5 ± 0.5 billion years old (从 宇宙 年龄就可分辨的) [1][6]。 它们的 金属量 和 太阳 相似,由于稠密质量浓度的重力,最内侧恒星的轨道速度弥散 …
A supermassive black hole in an ultra-compact dwarf galaxy
2014年9月17日 · Here we report adaptive optics kinematic data of the ultra-compact dwarf galaxy M60-UCD1 that show a central velocity dispersion peak exceeding 100 kilometres per second and modest rotation....
Dwarf Galaxy M60-UCD1 - Science@NASA
2014年9月17日 · This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of the ultracompact dwarf galaxy M60-UCD1. The galaxy crams 140 million stars within a diameter of about 300 light-years. Astronomers believe that a monster black hole resides at the center of the galaxy.
Hubble Helps Find Smallest Known Galaxy Containing a ... - NASA
2014年9月17日 · It is inside one of the densest galaxies known to date — the M60-UCD1 dwarf galaxy that crams 140 million stars within a diameter of about 300 light-years, which is only 1/500th of our galaxy’s diameter. If you lived inside this dwarf galaxy, the night sky would dazzle with at least 1 million stars visible to the naked eye.
Ultra-compact Dwarf Galaxy M60-UCD1 | HubbleSite
The galaxy, known as M60-UCD1, is located near a massive elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, also called M60, about 54 million light-years from Earth. This composite image shows M60 and the region around it, where data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory are pink and data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are red, green and blue.
M60-UCD1: An Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxy - Science@NASA
2013年9月24日 · The galaxy, known as M60-UCD1, is located near a massive elliptical galaxy NGC 4649, also called M60, about 54 million light years from Earth. This composite image shows M60 and the region around it, where data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory are pink and data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are red, green and blue.