M60 machine gun - Wikipedia
The M60, officially the Machine Gun, Caliber 7.62 mm, M60, is a family of American general-purpose machine guns firing 7.62×51mm NATO cartridges from a disintegrating belt of M13 links. There are several types of ammunition approved for use in the M60, including ball, tracer, and armor-piercing rounds. [5]
美国M60机枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M60的机匣、供弹机盖等大多数部件采用冲压件,重量轻且成本低,整体重量比起7.62mm口径的勃朗宁M1919A4/A6大大降低,而且结构紧凑。在M60枪内还大量采用减少摩擦的滚轮机构,因而射击振动较小。M60的导气装置改进自FG42,当活塞向后移动时,会关闭侧壁上的导气孔,自动截断火药气体的流入,这种自动调节导气装置的结构比较简单,不需气体调节器,但缺点是不能调节射速。弹链式供弹装置改进自MG42,借助枪机滚轮带动拨弹杆左右运动,再通过杠杆使拨弹滑板上的拨弹齿拨弹, …
M60E6 | Weapons | US Ordnance
It is a gas operated, disintegrating link, belt fed, air-cooled machine gun. It fires from an open bolt and features a quick-change barrel. The M60E6 features a machined aluminum feed cover with integrated M1913 Picatinny rail for mounting optics.
Mysterious M60 Machine Gun Contract Awarded By U.S. Army
2024年9月30日 · U.S. Ordnance, the main manufacturer of M60 variants today, treats the M60E4 and the Mk 43 series as functionally identical. A member of a US Navy Naval Mobile Construction Battalion, or Seabee, mans a Mk 43 Mod 0 machine gun mounted on a …
M60通用机枪的最新改进型M60E6 - 搜狐
2017年7月30日 · M60E6作为新改良型,以M60E4、Mk 43作基础,并降低了重量,M60E6的重量已降至9.27KG,还有一个更长和稍重的枪管版本,重量为9.85kg。 M60E6的所有主要部件可与旧式M60系列机枪可以互换。 另外 M60E6具有一体式折叠双脚架,这种机枪与标准的北约三脚架和车载支架都是兼容的,在射程上,如从双脚架射击时,有效射程为700米左右。 早些年,丹麦军方进行的机枪选型测试中,与HK121同台竞技的M60E6,胜出丹麦皇家陆军的招标,并于2014年 …
M60 (machine gun) - Wikimedia Commons
2024年8月26日 · English: The M60 machine gun (more properly known as the M60E1) is an American general-purpose machine gun, firing the 7.62 x 51 mm NATO cartridge. In the U.S. military, it has largely been replaced by the M240 machine gun. 日本語: M60軽機関銃はアメリカの汎用機関銃で、7.62mm NATO弾を使用する。 アメリカ軍においては、M240やM249への置き換えが進んでいる。
M60 7.62mm Machine Gun - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M60 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed, automatic machine gun that fires from the open-bolt position. It has a maximum rate of fire of 550 rounds per minute. Ammunition is fed into the...
US Ordnance M60E6 7.62mm Light Belt-Fed Machine Gun - Arms …
Lightweight and ergonomic buttstock with hinged shoulder rest. Quick detach sling mounting points. Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO. Max Effective Range: 1,110 Meters. Rate of Fire: 500-650 Rounds Per Minute. Weight: 20.21 lbs. Length: 37 inches. Width: 4.8 inches.
M60 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun - inetres.com
2004年9月26日 · Replaced in U.S. service by the M240B 7.62mm medium machine gun. The M122 tripod, traversing and elevating (T&E) mechanism, and pintle provide a stable mount and permit a higher degree of accuracy and control that is far superior to the bipod. The tripod may be extended and collapsed without difficulty.
【M60E4机枪】m60e7机枪 - 一品信息-正君科技
【M60E4机枪】m60e7机枪... M60E4 机枪 是一款美国生产的轻 机枪 ,最早于1957年设计并于1960年投入使用。 它是一把非常经典的 机枪 ,深受军队和其他军事组织...