Aimpoint CompM4 - Wikipedia
The Aimpoint CompM4 is a non-magnified red dot style gun sight adopted by the U.S. Armed Forces, designated the M68 CCO (Close Combat Optic). It is produced by the Swedish …
Aimpoint CompM4 Official US Army M68CCO Red Dot Sight …
The Aimpoint CompM4 is now the latest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic), continuing a legacy that Aimpoint has maintained since 1997. The performance of the …
The Aimpoint CompM4s is the latest version of the U.S. Army's M68CCO (Close-Combat Optic), continuing a legacy that Aimpoint has maintained since 1997. The CompM4 has a top …
LaRue Tactical QD Mount for Aimpoint CompM4 and CompM4 …
The LT659 is the QD solution for the newest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic). It is available in three sizes, Tall, Medium & Short. Like all LaRue mounts, it is precision …
LaRue Tactical QD Mount for Aimpoint CompM4/CompM4-S - OpticsPlanet
The LT659 is the QD solution for the newest version of the US Army's M68 CCO (Close-Combat Optic). It is available in three sizes, Tall, Medium & Short. Like all LaRue mounts, it is precision …
M68 CCO mount - AR15.COM
2019年6月18日 · Putting together a sorta clone of a Block 1 (6920 M4 with 16” barrel instead of a 14.5” with extended muzzle brake) and plan to use an Aimpoint PRO with the correct mount.
Zeroing the Close Combat Optic (CCO), Part 1: - Primary
2017年7月9日 · To recap our discussion from last week, the close combat optic (CCO), M68 is a non-telescopic (unmagnified) reflex sight that is designed for the “eyes-open” method of …
cco.pptx - Introduction to Optic's and Laser's M68 Close...
2022年7月5日 · STANDARDS: Zero the M68 Close Combat Optic (CCO) properly by: Preparing the M68 CCO for operation. Establishing a correct sight picture. Establishing a tight shot group …
TM 9-1240-413-13P - ArmyProperty.com
Technical Manual (TM) 9-1240-413-13P Title: M68 SIGHT, REFLEX Login to download, request hard copy, or add this manual to your unit library
2013年12月16日 · m69式称得上是战后苏军制服的代表。苏军更换m69式制服时,正值勃列日涅夫主政时期。在那个时代,随着苏军国际行动的增加,世界各地到处闪现着穿着m69式制服的苏 …