M6D Personal Defense Weapon System | Halo Alpha | Fandom
The M6D PDWS is one of the UNSC's most trusted combat pistols. It is very accurate, allowing for successful engagement at any range below 122.7 meters. It also does a considerable amount …
M6D magnum - Weapon - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The M6D is a recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun, chambered in 12.7x40mm ammunition, typically employed with semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive (SAPHE) rounds of that …
【HALO军械频道】M6马格南手枪 —— UNSC的主力手枪 - 哔哩哔哩
M6 Personal Defense Weapon System / M6个人防御武器系统由米斯利亚军械库生产,是一系列半自动、枪管后坐式、弹匣供弹设计的手枪武器,在很大程度已被作为UNSC武装部队全军的标 …
M6 series - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The M6 Personal Defense Weapon System is a series of handgun produced by Misriah Armory. [2] [3] [4] Common slang terms for the M6 series handguns include go-mag, hand cannon, …
M6C Magnum Sidearm (D20 Modern Equipment) - D&D Wiki
2018年9月1日 · The M6C PDWS is primarily issued to UNSC Marine Corps vehicle crews, and can be 'up-sized' for SPARTAN-II soldiers to use (the weapon becomes large sized). The …
RPGGamer.org (Weapons D6 / M6D Magnum Handgun)
The M6D PDWS is one of the UNSC's most trusted combat pistols. It is very accurate, allowing for successful engagement at any range below 122.7 meters. It also does a considerable amount …
M6D Personal Defense Weapon System | Wiki | Halo Amino
The M6D Personal Defense Weapon System, otherwise known as the M6D Magnum Sidearm, is a United Nations Space Command sidearm and is one of the variants of Misriah Armory's M6 …
M6G PDWS - 百度百科
Halo 3 中它是 UNSC 军队的标准手枪,使用 12.7*40mm 半穿甲爆破弹,弹夹容量是 12发,这使得弹夹无法完全装入枪身。 它与别的武器一样,弹夹装在枪柄处。 M6G 的枪柄由高分子聚合 …
M6 pistol | Halo Fanon - Fandom
The M6D PDWS was an improvement on the M6C, which featured its own PCAP system, allowing it to carry optics such as the KFA-2 2x scope. It was followed by the electroless nickel-finished, …
M6 Series | Halo Alpha - Fandom
M6D Magnum Sidearm Halo: Combat Evolved / Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and Halo 5: Guardians -era UNSC sidearm, up-sized, armed with High Explosive ammunition and featuring …