M6P pocket pistol - Weapon - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
On December 12, 2553, the Spartan-III ferret operatives Ash-G099, Mark-G313, and Olivia-G291 were armed with M6P pocket pistols while present at Trattoria Georgi in New Tyne. [1] In the first draft of Halo: Retribution, the novel's author, Troy Denning, only …
M6 series - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
In addition to power, the M6 line of weaponry is designed to be exceedingly rugged and reliable, and the guns are able to remain operational after Slipspace transitions and high-g aerial maneuvers, as well as the rigors sustained during standard combat.
【HALO光环设定】手中巨炮----M6系列手枪 - 哔哩哔哩
m6p微型手枪可以装填四发高爆弹药。在2553年12月12日时,雪貂小队的三名斯巴达iii期 cv12273567 艾什-g099、马克-g313以及奥利维亚-g291便携带了m6p出现在新泰恩的杰奥尔基
M6 Series | Halo Alpha - Fandom
In addition to power, the M6 line of weaponry is designed to be rugged and reliable, and they remain operational after Slipspace transitions and high-g aerial maneuvers.
【HALO军械频道4】M6系列马格南手枪 —— UNSC的主力手枪-3 …
2022年2月14日 · M6C Personal Defense Weapon System(M6C 个人防御武器系统),是UNSC装备的一种随身武器,属于M6系列手枪的变体。 尊容. 它是一种中短程手枪,配发给UNSC海军陆战队队员,特别是车辆乘员。 该型号已被升级,以供斯巴达战士在适配雷神锤盔甲。 即使配发斯巴达的手枪比标准型号(约117%)大,他们仍然可以通用弹匣。 它是一种半自动、后坐式、弹匣供弹手枪。 它有双动扳机(DA),12发弹匣装载M228 12.7×40mm SAP-HP子 …
【HALO军械频道】M6斯巴达镭射 —— 看到红光就快闪开!
Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle / M6反载具武器/伽利略非线性步枪,俗称Spartan Laser / 斯巴达镭射,是UNSC武装部队的便携性固态定向能反载具武器,由米斯利亚军械库制造,是UNSC为数不多的定向能武器之一。 概述. 精确而强大的M6非线性步枪最初是作为永恒之枪计划的内容,与雷神之锤永恒之枪配置一起配套打造的,该计划旨在完善斯巴达II项目,其核心目的之一便是打造一种重型非弹道武器,适用于单兵反器材领域,因此得名“斯巴达 …
光环系列 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《光环》系列(台湾译作《最后一战》),是由 Bungie 开发、Microsoft Game Studios发行的科幻第一人称射击游戏。 故事发生在“Halo 宇宙”中。 这个“宇宙”是由Bungie为这个系列所创造的。 《光环》第一作游戏《光环:战斗进化》在2001年11月15日在Xbox上发售,整个世界观的起源诞生于由埃里克·尼伦德所著的科幻小说《光环:致远星的沦陷》在当时引起了广大的欢迎,当时的Bungie工作室为这款小说创造了新的篇章,由此拉开了光环世界的故事…… 《光环》系列在 …
M6D Personal Defense Weapon System | Halo Alpha | Fandom
Render of the M6D PDWS in first-person view, in Halo: Combat Evolved. The M6D is a semi-automatic weapon - this principle of weapon operations means that the weapon will cock itself after every shot due to recoil and will continue to do so …
M6H2 magnum - Weapon - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The M6H2 Personal Defense Weapon (M6H PDWS) is a variant of the M6H magnum of the M6 series of handguns and was issued to all branches of the UNSC. [3] [1] An unloaded M6H2 with its smart link module detached. Note the gas piston and bolt head. The M6H2 is considered a modernized variant of the M6. [4] . It sports a black polymer finish.
M6D Pistol - Wikipedia
The M6D Pistol, also known as the Halo CE pistol, M6D Magnum Sidearm or M6D Personal Defense Weapon System, is a fictional pistol featured in the Halo franchise of video games. It is one of the starting weapons used by the protagonist, Master Chief , and was designed and manufactured by Misriah Armory, a manufacturer for the United Nations ...
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