75 mm gun M2–M6 - Wikipedia
The first armor-piercing round was the 6.32 kg (13.9 lb) M72 AP-T, a plain uncapped armor-piercing round whose performance dropped off as range increased due to poor aerodynamics. The M72 was replaced by the 6.63 kg (14.62 lb) M61 armor-piercing ballistic capped high explosive with tracer (APCBC-HE-T) shell.
Cartridge, 75mm AP, M72 - Bulletpicker
It has a 1.5-caliber radius of ogive, a rotating band gilding metal, a fringing groove, a single groove for stab crimping of the cartridge case to the projectile, and a boat-tail base with a 9 degree taper.
The AP performance of the gun was not great, but it was more than enough to handle Panzer III and IV tanks on an even basis. It also proved effective against tanks like then Panther and Tiger in real
Ordnance QF 75 mm - Wikipedia
The AP shell for the 75 mm gun was a 15 lb (6.8 kg) projectile with a couple of ounces (60 g) of HE filling propelled by a 2 lb (900 g) charge to 2,000 feet per second (610 m/s). In British service, the AP shell was used without its explosive filling and as such was referred to as "AP Shot M61".
【最强之矛】美国全口径穿甲弹发展简史 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年5月1日 · 如表中列出,对抗二战美国rha靶,m72足以在914米击穿79毫米垂直装甲,但对抗fha靶,这一数据迅速缩水至66毫米。 FHA生来便对裸AP有压倒性优势,其高硬度硬化层可以有效破坏弹尖的完整性,使AP的穿甲进程难以持续。
美军重新装备M72火箭筒 活回60年代了? - 哔哩哔哩
2020年8月12日 · 美国海军陆战队8月4日发布的消息称,海军陆战队将会装备一种新型的火箭筒武器,这就是m72 ffe”劳“式火箭筒。 这消息突然让人有种梦回60年代的感觉。
75 mm Gun M2/M3/M6 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The first armor-piercing round was the 18 lb (8.2 kg) M72 AP-T, a plain uncapped AP round whose performance dropped off as range increased due to poor aerodynamics. M72 was replaced by the 6.8 kg (15 lb) M61 and later the improved M61A1 APC Shell.
US 75x350r M72 AP-T : r/Cartridgecollecting - Reddit
2024年6月20日 · US 75x350r M72 Armor Piercing Tracer (AP-T) round as most commonly used as the first standard issue AP round for the M4 Sherman in WW2. The projectile is extremely simply, consisting of a single, solid piece of hardened steel with a small pocket in the base that would be filled with tracer composition.
75mm M72 AP - Combat Mission Battle for Normandy
2015年6月19日 · It would seem silly to get rid of a round that was completely superior to the M-61 against the most common type of armor found on German tanks. Since M72 AP could penetration 92mm of RHA at 500m, and 84mm at 750m, this seems much more in line with the performance of the gun in ALL of the CM games.
75mm AP, M72, Shot - Official Heroes & Generals Wiki
Packing a punch in the field of Light Tanks and Tier 1 Mediums, the 75mm AP M72 only meets its match counterparts-wise with the 7.5cm Panzergranate 39 and 76.2mm UBR-354A. Unfortunately, it ultimately serves little use as the 75mm APC, M61, Shot serves as a …