M72 Enhanced Capacity - Nammo
The Nammo M72 Enhanced Capacity (EC) combines decades of innovation and Nammo expertise to deliver a world-leading close combat weapon. The system is disposable, easy to operate, extremely lightweight and powerful. The M72 EC can penetrate up to 450 mm RHA.
M72 LAW - Wikipedia
The M72 LAW (light anti-tank weapon, also referred to as the light anti-armor weapon or LAW as well as LAWS: light anti-armor weapons system) is a portable one-shot 66 mm (2.6 in) unguided anti-tank weapon.
M72輕型反裝甲武器 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
M72 LAW (輕型反戰車武器Light Anti-Tank Weapon 、或稱 輕型反裝甲武器Light Anti-Armor Weapon),簡稱 LAW 或 LAWS (輕型反戰車武器系統)是一種由美國 黑森東方公司 於1958年開始研製的66公釐 拋棄式火箭筒,當時設計者為Paul V. Choate、Charles B. Weeks以及Frank A. Spinale et al,2007年該公司被挪威的 北歐彈藥公司 (英語:Nammo) 收購,目前LAW系列同時在美國與挪威量產。 該武器於1958年開始研發,在1963年初被美國陸軍及海軍陸戰隊採用, …
M72-series - Nammo
As a lightweight rocket launcher developed in the 1960s, the M72 first saw combat during the Vietnam War. Designated as the M72, a 66 mm rocket launcher offers significant firepower in a small package weighing less than 4 kilograms (8.8 pounds), facilitating Soldiers or Marines being able to carry two, or even three, on patrol.
[討論] RGW60火箭/M72 EC MK1火箭 效能疑問 - 看板 Military - 批 …
2024年11月30日 · 近期討論常常被拉出來討論的兩位常客 無聊去查了一下,這邊以重量比較輕的RGW60 HEAT來說 https://dn-defence.com/rgw-60/rgw-60-heat RGW60 HEAT 官網給出的數據 口徑:60毫米 重量:5.8公斤 長度:0,88 m 射擊範圍:20 – 300 m 溫度範圍:-46°C 至 +71°C 鋼靶穿透力:>300 mm RHA 可從 ...
M72 - The Mighty Jack of All Trades - Nammo
One variant of the M72, the M72 EC, has been tested to penetrate more than 450mm. And that is the so-called “RHA” variant; Rolled Homogenous Steel. Enhancing and diversifying
[討論] RGW60火箭/M72 EC MK1火箭 效能疑問 - 看板Military
2024年11月29日 · 新的炸藥大多都比老M72用的Octol還弱一些,PBXW-1. 了一些。 從火藥變弱(末敏化)但是穿深不減就可以看. 出彈頭設計的重要性。 個人猜測M72 EC MK2穿深下降的. …
挪威将向马来西亚军队供应 800 件 M72火箭筒 - 网易
2024年7月30日 · m72 law-ec 以其轻巧便携的设计以及出色的破甲能力而闻名,有效射程为 200 米,重量仅为 2.5 公斤。 它在世界各地广泛使用,包括土耳其军队在内的 35 个国家都采用了它。
Royal Thai Marine Corps gets M72 EC Mk1 LAW antitank weapons
2021年5月4日 · The Nammo M72 EC is disposable, easy to operate, extremely lightweight and powerful. The M72 EC is an Enhanced Capacity variant that may penetrate up to 450 mm RHA. The dual safe fuze and on-axis trigger equip the warfighter with an improved weapon system that is both safe and effective.
Danish Army Upgrade M72 LAW - Overt Defense
2020年5月22日 · The M72 EC LAW, which features an on-axis trigger and a rail for mounting optics to improve accuracy and weighs in at 3.4 kilograms by utilizing a carbon composite tube, will supplement the AT-4 CS (M/97) and Carl Gustav M3 (M/85) now in service.