Some thoughts on the effectiveness of the M735 and M774 …
2021年5月3日 · To summarize the results, neither round can reliably penetrate the T-64 glacis. The game appears to model the weak point near the drivers hatch as the "upper front hull" and the main glacis as the "super structure front hull." M735 is ineffective against the superstructure and can occasionally gain penetrations against the driver plate area.
Some thoughts on the effectiveness of the M735 and M774 …
2021年5月3日 · With up to 410 mm RHAe of armor penetration, the M735 was a major improvement over the earlier M728, but the round was still underpowered against the frontal armor of advanced Soviet tanks such as the T-64B, T-72A, and T-80B, sometimes significantly so.
3 major updates and almost 8 months later M735 is still nerfed
M735 isn't nerfed, there was a discussion about it on the forums. The dart has a water-drop morphology which doesn't fit standard Lanz-Odermman formula. To solve this problem, Gaijin initially took the maximum diameter as average; resulting in overperforming penetration numbers.
M735 or DM23? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年8月2日 · You can see it for yourself; try firing the M735 versus the DM23 at the UFP of a base T72A in protection analysis. The DM23 will pen at 500m, the M735 will not. If the T-72A has the add-on armor, DM23 has a chance of penning the lower part of the UFP while the M735 will not pen except for the drivers hatch weakspot.
This nerfed M735 is a king bullshit. gaijin, what do you have
I used to think this "Gaijin loves Russia" thing was an exaggeration upheld by disgruntled players, but the M735 affair made me reconsider. From what little I know this nerf happened due to a supposed bug report that turned out to be completely wrong, yet the nerf was not reverted and IIRC a moderator went so far as to say "it's unknown whether ...
Why did they nerf M735 on the dev server? Current pen left and
The old M735 model curve was similar to the early APDS shells, higher pen at flatter angles, but drops off quickly around 30°, before increasing a bit around 60°. edit - except the really early APDS shells, which drop off dramatically as the angle increases.
Any official documents on the M735's performance?
2022年1月13日 · M735 had bad troubles, if I recall my old readings correctly. The round had the nasty habit of sometimes breaking up inside the gun barrel(!) or the sabot petals not separating cleanly, pulling the round (sometimes badly) off course. It …
No thermals, no LRF, M735, and Blazer ERA at 8.7. Power creep …
2023年4月26日 · And no you could not go on, because these tanks are virtually the same. The 6R and Rise are essentially the same tank, with one having DM23 and the other M735. DM23 being more reliable with spalling imo Magach 6 = M60…turret and hull. Magach 5 = M48….turret and hull. The Israelis did not mash them up. Totally forgot about the cupolas.
(Almost) "fun" fact: M735 was BROKEN BY AN ERRONEOUS BUG
2023年10月31日 · There were historically 3 prototype versions of m735. XM735, which had the same penetrator projectile body as XM578/579 just used a new fin assembly and sabot adapted for the 105mm gun, 223.5mm long 1.973kg tungsten alloy core, 35.5mm maraging steel jacket, 1478m/s muzzle velocity 3.63kg projectile mass.
m735 or m774 in the abrams? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Haven't unlocked the M774 yet but the M735 round is more than enough to kill anything you'll be facing from what I've experienced. That includes the T-64B's - can't punch through the UFP but it can penetrate near the gun breech, the LFP if they expose it, and the gunner's sight