Zastava M76 - Wikipedia
The Zastava M76 is a military semi-automatic designated marksman rifle developed and manufactured by Zastava Arms. The Zastava Arms Company released the M76 in the mid …
Smith & Wesson Model 76 - Wikipedia
The Smith & Wesson M76 submachine gun (SMG) was produced by Smith & Wesson from 1967 to 1974.
史密斯威森M76衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m76衝鋒槍採用了圓筒狀機匣,上部的圓筒部分容納槍機和復進簧節套等零件,下部的方形部分容納發射機構和彈匣插座等零件。 機匣後端安裝有 手槍握把 和金屬製造的可折疊式框形 槍托 。
Zastava Arms M76 Sniper Rifle - AtlanticFirearms.com
Zastava Arms M76 Sniper Rifle chambered in 8MM. Southern Tactical civilian legal build with chrome lined barrel.
M76 SNIPER RIFLE-NIT - Atlantic Firearms
The Zastava Arms M76 Sniper Rifle was designed to compete with the Russian SVD rifle and was issued to troops in 1976. The rifle is chambered in the hard hitting 8mm round designed to …
M76式7.92mm狙击步枪 - 百度百科
m76是于1970年代中期由扎斯塔瓦武器推出,并在不久之后就成为了南斯拉夫人民军的制式狙击步枪。其担任的角色与苏联的svd相似,两者均是以向步兵排提供特等射手能力为目标。在1990 …
Zastava M76 - Weaponsystems.net
The M76 is a sniper rifle of Yugoslav origin. It was developed by Zastava in the mid-1970's and was produced in large quantities. It fulfills the same role as the Soviet SVD and looks rather …
Yugoslavian Zastava M76 Rifles - MCT Defense
Yugoslavian Zastava M76 rifles are now available. Developed by the Crvena Zastava factory in the mid-1970’s and produced in large quantities. It fulfilled the same role as the Soviet SVD …
M76 SNIPER RIFLE | Atlantic Firearms | AR15 & AK47 Rifles
2024年12月17日 · The M76 rifle is chambered for the hard hitting 8mm round and is designed to take out long range targets.The overall design & operating system has a Kalashnikov …
Smith & Wesson Model 76 Submachine Gun (SMG) - Military Factory
2018年2月26日 · The m/45 submachine gun, adopted in 1945, proved itself a highly-conventional submachine gun design utilizing a simple, straight blowback action while chambered for the …