Dual-purpose improved conventional munition - Wikipedia
A dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM) is an artillery or surface-to-surface missile warhead designed to burst into submunitions at an optimum altitude and distance from …
M77 submunition - CAT-UXO
This is the American M77, a High-Explosive-Dual-Purpose (HEDP), with High-Explosive-Anti-Tank (HEAT) and Anti-Personnel (AP) HE-Frag, cylindrical, ribbon-armed and stabilised, Impact …
Lockheed Martin MLRS Rockets (M26/M30/M31) - Designation …
The M26 is spin-stabilized by 4 fins, has a range of 32 km (20 miles) and is armed with 644 M77 DPICM (Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions) anti-personnel/anti-materiel …
【军事参考】什么是“双用途改进型常规弹药”以及为什么乌克兰这 …
2023年7月9日 · 举个例子,一枚M26 227毫米火箭炮弹可以装载677个M77 DPICM子弹药,可以覆盖一个半径656英尺(200米)的圆——接近5000平方英尺。 具体的覆盖范围受到弹药的播撒 …
Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions - GlobalSecurity.org
Each MLRS warhead contains 644 M77 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM) bomblets. The armed M77 submunitions detonate on impact. The antimateriel capability is …
What DPICM Cluster Munitions Are And Why Ukraine Wants …
2023年7月7日 · For example, a single M26 227mm artillery rocket, loaded with 644 M77 DPICM submunitions, can spread submuntions across a circular-shaped area roughly 656 feet (200 …
Subs KB-1 M42 - nolandmines.com
The M77 is a dual purpose submunition in the category of DPICM (Dual purpose Improved Conventional Munition) dlivered by projectile or rocket warhead and made in the USA. The …
2023年7月8日 · DPICM是一个通用弹药类别,包括装载多种子弹药的各种类型的炮弹和火箭弹,这些子弹药的设计功能大致相同——它们都可以被称为DPICM弹药,大部分生产于20世纪70年 …
力度空前!美国宣布向乌克兰提供集束弹药武器 - 知乎
2023年7月9日 · DPICM是一个通用弹药类别,包括装载多种子弹药的各种类型的炮弹和火箭弹,这些子弹药的设计功能大致相同——它们都可以被称为DPICM弹药,大部分生产于20世纪70年 …
Munition, submunition, M77 (DP Submunition) - Fenix Insight
The M77 is a US-developed, dual-purpose (DP), artillery rocket submunition (a grenade in US nomenclature), which provides anti-personnel (AP)/anti-matériel (AM), and anti-armour (AA) …