Eight M777 Dismantled to Repair One: No Components From U.S., …
2024年3月14日 · When the journalists visited one of the repair bases of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the technicians were seen restoring a damaged M777 howitzer, damaged in battles in eastern Ukraine. To bring this artillery system back to shape, parts from eight other damaged M777s had to be scavenged.
2022年10月29日 · 现在根据乌军前线炮兵部队反馈,M777面临三种麻烦:炮身容易遭受损坏;炮管磨损导致精度下降;浪费炮弹现象极为严重! M777在大量采用钛合金和铝合金制造,其应对冲击的能力较弱,甚至俄军炮弹的破片都能对其炮身或零件造成较严重损坏,而采用常规钢制炮身的火炮则对这种小型破片冲击具有良好的防护能力。 同时,主打“超轻”的M777牵引榴弹炮在乌克兰作战时,还因为太轻而在开跑后出现“跳跃”现象,这个问题不但会令炮弹在出膛刹那受到影响导 …
2022年8月12日 · M777最大的特色其实不是炮本身的性能有多好,而是其超轻的特性可以由直升机吊运实现灵活部署。 同时在有数字化改装和发射制导炮弹加成的话 ...
M777 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. It is used by the ground forces of Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United States. It was first used in combat during the War in Afghanistan. The M777 is manufactured by BAE Systems ' Global Combat Systems division.
Artillery Is Breaking in Ukraine. It’s Becoming a Problem for the ...
2022年11月25日 · The Pentagon has sent 142 M777 howitzers to Ukraine, enough to outfit about eight battalions, the most recent tally of U.S. military aid to Ukraine shows.
M777 Howitzers: Ukraine 'Refuses' Help To Fix Damaged Artillery; …
2024年2月15日 · In a move aimed at bolstering its artillery capabilities, the Logistics Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have commenced the repair of M777 155mm towed howitzers. This major development was announced by the Command of the Logistics Forces.
Ukraine is firing so many barrages its artillery pieces are breaking …
2022年11月26日 · That’s according to the New York Times, which is reporting that a large portion of the approximately 350 howitzers provided by Western nations to Ukraine — including 142 American M777 howiterzers...
BAE System plans to maintain and localize the M777 in Ukraine
2024年10月2日 · The international arms and military equipment company BAE System plans to repair and subsequently manufacture M777 towed howitzers in Ukraine. Militarnyi reported on this.
Sustainment Soldier leverages innovative thinking to maintain …
2022年12月1日 · Earlier this year, when it was recognized that the ETWD on multiple M777 howitzers within 3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment at Schofield Barracks were broken and rendered inoperable,...
Russian experts analyze why America's advanced M777 howitzer …
2025年3月6日 · Artillery positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were discovered near the settlement of Podgornoye, and according to some reports, at least three American-made 155mm M777 howitzers were destroyed in a fire attack. First, these positions were hit by drones and then, when trying to move foreign weapons, by heavy Hyacinth-B self-propelled guns.