M777 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. It is used by the ground forces of Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United States. It was first used in combat during the War in Afghanistan. The M777 is manufactured by BAE Systems ' Global Combat Systems division.
Team effort by Army, Marine Corps and Australia improves range …
2019年12月20日 · The team plans to use the extended range armament to modernize the current weapon-ammunition interface, in an effort to further increase the maximum effective range that the M777ER can achieve.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The M777 howitzer is a towed 155 mm artillery piece. It succeeded the M198 howitzer in the United States Marine Corps and United States Army in 2005. The M777 is also used by the ground forces...
Deployable, mobile, lethal, and survivable - United States Army
Direct support, general support, reinforcing, or general support reinforcing artillery system replacing the M198 155mm Medium Towed Howitzer. The Digital Fire Control System (DFCS) integration...
M777 155mm Ultralightweight Field Howitzer, US - Army Technology
2024年4月17日 · The M777 is the artillery system for the Stryker Brigade Combat Teams. It is normally operated by a crew of eight men, but can be operated with a reduced detachment of five. The systems fitted with the digital fire control system are designated M777A1, and those with the software update that allows the firing of the Excalibur projectile, M777A2.
曾列我國新火砲選項 英貝宜系統重啟生產M777榴彈砲 - 自由軍武 …
2024年1月5日 · M777榴彈砲屬於大口徑牽引砲,能以5噸重的中型、或2.5噸輕型卡車拖曳並機動部署,現由英、美、加、印度及烏克蘭等國採用。 該型榴彈砲車重4200公斤,能發射一般的M107榴彈、或是具精準打擊能力的M982「神劍」(Exalibur)導引砲彈;該牽引砲至今發展出A1、A2,以及實驗性的ER增程型,若搭配「神劍」發射,其最大射程可從原先的25公里提升至40公里以上,甚至達70公里之遠,屬同級砲間的火力領先者。 圖為美軍M777A2及M777ER型 …
M777 155mm Ultra lightweight Field Howitzer - Defence …
2016年11月14日 · Although normally crewed by a team of seven, the M777 can be operated by five. Rapid insertion and extraction are key factors in battlefield survivability. The old M198 howitzer took more than six-and-a-half minutes to emplace at a new firing position, and more than 10 minutes to displace, but the corresponding times for the M777A2 are less ...
2020年4月15日 · 目前M777式榴弹炮已经在美国陆军和海军陆战队、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、沙特阿拉伯和印度服役,这款经过实战检验的现代火炮成本价就达到了120万美元,而包括火控、炮弹、备件和培训等费用就更贵了,就拿2016年11月印度购买M777榴弹炮的交易为145门7.37亿来说,平均每套就达到了508万美元,所以其成本和性能成正比,不是每个国家都买得起啊,你认为呢? 免责声明:本内容来自腾讯平台创作者,不代表腾讯新闻或腾讯网的观点和立场。 在上个世 …
通过美军列装M777榴弹炮看火炮发展趋势 - 知乎
m777榴弹炮 ,全称:m777-超轻型155毫米牵引式榴弹炮,是美海军陆战队和陆军联合项目,由 英国航宇公司 (bae)研制。 从其名称中可以分解出3个内容,一是超轻型,二是155毫米口径,三是 牵引式榴弹炮 ,我们一一解读。
言过其实的M777榴弹炮,我国也有对标品,但并未列装军队,只 …
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