Messier 78 - Science@NASA
2024年8月25日 · M78 was discovered in 1780 by Charles Messier’s colleague Pierre Méchain. It is best seen in January. M78 can be found in binoculars and small telescopes, but telescopes …
Messier 78 - Wikipedia
Messier 78 or M78, also known as NGC 2068, is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included by Charles Messier in his catalog of …
M78的大视野影像 | NASA中文
2021年1月21日 · Explanation: Interstellar dust clouds and glowing nebulae abound in the fertile constellation of Orion. One of the brightest, M78, is centered in this colorful, wide field view, …
APOD: 2024 May 24 – M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope
To help find out just how messy, ESA 's new Sun-orbiting Euclid telescope recently captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star forming region M78. Near the image center, M78 …
M78 - NASA Science
2023年8月9日 · Image Credit NASA, ESA, J. Muzerolle (Space Telescope Science Institute) and S. Megeath (University of Toledo) Size 903x1101px. This colorful image features a small part …
M78 Inset - NASA Science
2023年8月9日 · A box in the ground-based infrared image of M78 at left shows the location of Hubble’s close-up infrared view on the right.
欧几里得太空望远镜的M78 | NASA中文
2024年5月24日 · To help find out just how messy, ESA ‘s new Sun-orbiting Euclid telescope recently captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star forming region M78. Near the …
APOD: 2008 March 18 - M78 and Reflecting Dust Clouds in Orion
M78 is about five light-years across and visible through a small telescope. M78 appears above only as it was 1600 years ago, however, because that is how long it takes light to go from …
APOD: 2011 January 27 - Hidden Treasures of M78
Held by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the competition challenged amateur astronomers to process data from ESO's astronomical archive in search of cosmic gems. The …
Stardust and Starlight in M78 | NASA中文
2019年3月8日 · Explanation: Interstellar dust clouds and bright nebulae abound in the fertile constellation of Orion. One of the brightest, M78, is near the center in this colorful telescopic …