M78 - Reflection Nebula in Orion - Astrophotography
2023年11月21日 · Messier 78 is a dark diffuse reflection nebula in the constellation of the hunter, Orion. It is very close to Messier 42 (The Orion Nebula) and IC 434 (The Horsehead Nebula). M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection in the night sky and looks great when photographed with a telescope, but can also be captured wide-field using a camera and lens.
Messier 78 - Wikipedia
Messier 78 or M78, also known as NGC 2068, is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included by Charles Messier in his catalog of comet -like objects that same year.
M78 Reflection Nebula in Orion | Pictures, Location, & Information
Messier 78 (M78, NGC 2068) is a beautiful blue reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in a group of nebulae that includes NGC 2064, NGC 2067, and NGC 2071.
Messier 78 - Messier Objects
2015年8月1日 · Messier 78 (M78) is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Orion, the Hunter. M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky. It has an apparent magnitude of 8.3 and lies at an approximate distance of 1,600 light years from Earth. It has the designation NGC 2068 in the New General Catalogue.
How To Find and Observe M78, A Reflection Nebula - Love the …
Well, the reflection nebula M78 is perhaps the night sky’s best example of stardust you can see with a small telescope. In this article, I’ll show you how to find and explore this charming and often overlooked nebula in Orion. M78 reflection nebula captured by the Wide Field Imager camera at La Silla Observatory, Chile. (Source)
Messer 78 with Nebula Complex - Deep⋆Sky Corner
The reflection nebula M78 is positioned exactly on the celestial equator. It lies slightly above the left belt star Alnitak (ζ Orionis) of the constellation Orion. The reflection nebula is stated to be the brightest of its kind. Indeed, it is relatively easy to find and is quite noticeable with its brightness.
Messier 78 - M78 - AstroPixels
Messier 78 or M78 (also designated NGC 2068) is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Orion. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 8.3 and its angular diameter is 8x6 arc-minutes. M78 lies at an estimated distance of 1600 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 5h 46.7m, Dec= +00° 03´ which makes M78 best seen during the winter.
M78 - AstroBin
Messier 78 is a spectacular blue reflection nebula in the constellation Orion. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in a group of nebulae that includes NGC 2064, NGC 2067, and NGC 2071. It li...
Messier 78 Casper the Friendly Ghost - Lost Photons
2017年11月16日 · Messier 78 or NGC 2068, also known as Casper the Friendly Ghost (not sure how it applies, I don’t see a ghost), is a bright blue reflection nebula in Orion. The nebula can be found between Betelgeuse and closer towards Alnitak.
M78 in Narrrowband? - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2025年1月2日 · It's not an emission nebula so there's very little (just a bit of Ha) light being emitted. M78 is a reflection nebula, more visible in broadband. Franklin at SetiAstro just put out a video which shows the difference between broadband and narrowband data in this region. https://youtu.be/hr9...fKjvMyRyI46oOOS