M758/M794:耐热疲劳性焊料合金材料 | 焊锡合金 | 无铅焊锡
无铅:根据EU RoHS规定,铅含有率在1000ppm(0.1wt%)以下为无铅。 无卤:根据IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission)61249-2-21及IPC(the Institute of Printed Circuits)4101B1规格,符合下述标准为无卤。 氯及溴含有量总量:0.15wt% (1500ppm)以下。 ©2025 Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 为您介绍千住金属工业最先进的耐热疲劳性焊料合金材料“M758/M794”。
M58/M758/M731 | Solder alloys | Lead-Free Solder - Senju
Three new technologies have been used to develop a heat-fatigue resistant solder alloy
M758/M794:最先端の耐熱疲労性はんだ合金材料 - Senju
M758/M794 - 有鉛焊錫-SMIC | 千住金属工業株式会社
不論通訊及精密電子儀器專用的Sparkle Series、低溫及高溫領域、甚至是防止飛濺、無刺激味、高活性系列產品等,各種一般到特殊用途的焊接條件,我們都具備了針對不同用途皆能夠完整對應的焊錫產品。
M731 M758 M794-40˚C/30min. +125˚C/30min. Sn crystal grain coarsening suppression technology By additives of Ni/x, coarsening of crystal grains of Sn is suppressed at initial and after TCT Foreign metal atoms are interposed at grain boundary to suppress Sn structure coarsening, prevent strength degradation and suppress cracking Initial 3000cyc ...
Senju Metal Industry | M794-GRN360-K1-V8 - Datasheets.com
2024年11月24日 · Senju Metal Industry's M794-GRN360-K1-V8 is a high reliability solder alloy. in the welding supplies, solders category. Check part details, parametric & specs updated 24-NOV-2024and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of …
Cartridge, 25mm Dummy, M794 - Bulletpicker
The 25mm M794 dummy cartridge is an inert round used for non-firing weapon checkout. The cartridge consists of a steel case and a steel projectile body. The steel cartridge case is filled with an inert epoxy resin.
高耐热疲劳性焊料合金M794展览资料 | 展会报告第10届日本国际 …
M794 M34/M771 M40 M35 M47 Hi-Melting Point Spec. NEW NEW Sn-Cu-Ni M24AP LD Flow/Flux Cored Std. Clumped dross entraining solder Smooth dross Galvanic corrosion is suppressed in Sn-Zn-Al solder Aluminum leaching is suppressed by additive of small amount of Al By suppressing dross, 46% of the solder usage is reduced and cost reduction is promoted.
Cartridge, 25mm Dummy M794 Linked - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The Cartridge, 25mm Dummy M794 Linked (DODIC A967) is used for non-firing system checkout used with the 25mm M242 Automatic Cannon for training of the crew. This M794 Cartridge is a modified...