Possible BMW M8 GTS spied with a big wing and bright orange …
2021年5月19日 · It's pretty obvious this is a high-performance, track-ready variant of the M8. And we expect it will bear the GTS name like the 2016 M4 GTS. That model also received additional power, lighter...
宝马M8 GTS亮相纽北赛道,或将成为级别最高的M性能车
作为宝马目前序列最高的轿车产品,宝马8系已相继推出了8系双门轿跑车、8系敞篷车、以及四门的8系Gran Goupe车型,其此产品实力无疑可以满足口味各异的高端消费者,而随后将要退出的M8,也将成为驾驶爱好者的最强选择之一
RaceChip GTS for M8 for a total noob - BIMMERPOST
2020年12月17日 · First off, I have never, ever modded anything on any car, ever. With my current M8 GC Competition, I am tempted to try out the RaceChip GTS given how easy they claim it is to install, and its plug-and-play nature. Given my car is a lease, and I don't want to cause trouble or get flagged, is this product something I can feel safe trying out?
RaceChip GTS Install, Drive, and Dyno (Graph Included)
2021年6月15日 · First I would like to give a special thanks to Ben r33_RGSport for getting the chip sent out super quick so I can do some driving this weekend. If you need the RaceChip in the USA, hit him up. A++. Install was not too bad and you can feel the difference in each mode (Eco, Sport, Race) and the car sounds a little louder from inside the cabin.
BMW M8 (F92/F91) (from 2019) performance tuning - RaceChip
Experience the true potential and power of your BMW M8 (F92/F91) (from 2019) .
RaceChip/ Downpipe recommendations - BIMMERPOST
2021年12月9日 · I've had a RC GTS Black in my M8 convertible for almost a year and LOVE IT. Takes 10 minutes to install and I keep mine on Map 5. Big difference in power and throttle response.
Tune My 2021-2023 M8 comp - BIMMERPOST
2022年7月19日 · I'm doing CarBohn, good power increase and full warranty coverage. It's a piggyback, but in a few months all customers get the flash tune for free. '22 F92 M8 Competition Coupe - Frozen Brilliant White | 8 Speed DCT | Sakhir Orange/Black Full Leather | M Perf CF Exterior Package | M Perf. CF Exhaust | BBS FI-R 21" Wheels |.
宝马M8 GTS亮相纽北赛道,或将成为级别最高的M性能车!
2019年9月25日 · 当然,谍照中的M8车型也可能就是M8 GTS车型,根据之前的信息, 宝马M8 车型就将拥有617匹马力,而M8 GTS车型无疑将会拥有更加极端的调教。 当然,在 宝马 正式公布车型信息之前,一切还都处于猜测阶段,作为车迷我们目前能做的就是等待。 此外, 宝马M8 是否会提供手动挡车型也是部分车迷比较关注的。 稍早一些, 宝马 M部门总裁Flasch向媒体确认过,新一代M3和M4车型都将具有手动挡车型,并且M车型还会引入电气化技术。 加载中... 日前,宝 …
2021 BMW M8 GTS prototype spied testing at the Nurburgring …
2021年5月20日 · Is BMW planning an M8 GTS? This track-ready prototype suggests something special is on its way. A prototype 2021 BMW M8 vehicle has been spotted testing at the Nurburgring, wearing track-oriented parts and a curious grille.
【简森巴顿de车辆百科】宝马M8 GTE - 哔哩哔哩
M8 GTE是宝马于2017年底推出的一款GTE赛车,用于参加WEC的GTE组别和美国运动车系列赛的GTLM组别的比赛。 M8 GTE装备一台P63/1 4.0升V8双涡轮增压发动机,最大输出500马力,动力通过6档半自动序列式变速箱传递到后轮。 M8 GTE采用碳纤维复合材料打造车身和部件,只在必要的位置使用金属部件,这样做的结果就是M8 GTE看似体型庞大,但车重只有1220KG。