800 weight? | Arctic Chat - Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2011年3月9日 · btw, when you hear cat weights usually they're given as crate weight, which is coolant, shock oil... etc, as compared to a doo weight for example which is truly a DRY weight. …
2010 M 8 weight | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2010年9月19日 · 2011 CF8 LE 141 Cutler stage II race gas turbo, powerclaw track, BD-X oil delete, Koso egt, Bparks light weight bushings, BD-X inner wheel kit, BD-X 2 wheel, BD-X anti …
M8 Clutch Setup | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2007年9月21日 · The guys at Speedwerks say the M8 engine makes its most torque at 7400-7600. I would suppose they have some data to support that claim. I have ordered some 73.5 …
M8 vs. M1000 | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2012年10月16日 · I don't think there's that much weight difference between the M8 and M1000 once you do a few mods, and the power you can get from an M1000 with a few mods makes a …
Clutch weight change help | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2016年12月11日 · To either side of the weights, there is an area you can slide in a large flat blade screwdriver & start to close to the clutch. Then use something wider on the opposite side of …
M8 162 weight | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2013年1月24日 · M8 162 weight Jump to Latest 1.6K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by Romulin Jan 25, 2013
M8 Diamond Drive, and Clutching | Arctic Chat - Arctic Cat Forum
2012年11月9日 · 2011 CF8 LE 141 Cutler stage II race gas turbo, powerclaw track, BD-X oil delete, Koso egt, Bparks light weight bushings, BD-X inner wheel kit, BD-X 2 wheel, BD-X anti …
Changing weights in m8 | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2006年11月6日 · Changing weights in m8 Jump to Latest 1.8K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by mpetrock Nov 7, 2006
2009 M8 HCR | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2008年12月15日 · just got one weak and a half ago, also have 07 m8 141 here is what we've decided so far hcr's stiffer powderclaw hooks up hands down better than, challenger on the 07 …
Adjustable clutch weights | Arctic Chat : Arctic Cat Forum
2016年9月25日 · Thanks for the informed responses. This project initially began to just inspect/clean the clutches on my '10 M8 153x2.6 PC ltd & '11Crossfire 141x2.25 PC. I initially …