M81, M82, NGC 3077 | HI data of the M81 Triplet (M81, M82
zero-spacing corrected natural-weighted integrated HI map (zeroth-moment) of VLA C+D and GBT data. In addition, all moment map FITS files can be downloaded as a single tar-file. This …
VLA - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
In the VLA image a huge wind is visible on the right, ejected from Antares and lit up by its smaller but hotter companion star Antares B. The spiral galaxy M81 and its satellite, M82 as seen by …
M81 is famous for its well-pronouced spiral arms in gas and total radio emission, which are thought to be the result of compression of gas and magnetic fields by density waves. In …
VLA Imaging of the Intriguing HI Cloud HIJASS J1021+6842 in the M81 …
2005年6月2日 · We present VLA HI 21cm observations of HIJASS J1021+6842 which has been discovered in the direction of the M81 group. Our synthesis imaging reveals that the HI is …
Title: Variability of the Radio Nucleus of the Galaxy M81 - arXiv.org
1997年9月2日 · Here we present results from new VLA and VLBI observations of the nucleus of M81. The VLA shows that its flux density and spectral index are variable by 50% on a …
Tidal Interactions in M81 Group · NRAO/AUI Archives
At right, a radio image, made with the VLA, shows the hydrogen gas, including streamers of gas connecting the galaxies. From the radio image, it becomes apparent that this is an interacting …
Figure 1. The 12-field VLA HI mosaic of the M81-M82-NGC3077 system (left) is compared with the result of the restricted 3-body simulation (right). The lowest contour for the HI map …
HI in M81. I. Large Scale Structure and Spiral Density Waves
1996年1月31日 · We present new VLA observations of the HI emission in two fields covering the spiral galaxy M81 and its nearby companions, providing high spatial (12") and spectral (2.5 km …
We report on VLA and VLBI observations of the nucleus of the nearby spiral galaxy M81. The VLA observations show the flux density of the nucleus to be variable by
NRAO Newsletter - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
2025年2月3日 · Neutral Hydrogen Clouds in the M81/M82 Group. High Velocity Clouds (HVCs) of neutral hydrogen are common in the sky around the Milky Way and may result from a variety …