M82 sans explosion: a galaxy drifts through dust. Or, can a simple ...
A model is proposed whereby M82 is immersed in and drifting through an immense thin intergalactic dust cloud associated with the M81 group. The scale and mean free path of the …
M82 sans explosion: a galaxy drifts through dust. Or, can a simple ...
We present results on the star formation history and extinction in the disk of M82 over spatial scales of 10″ (∼180 pc). Multi-band photometric data covering the far-ultraviolet to the near …
SN 2014J,一颗 Ia型超新星,是2014年1月21日在这个星系内发现的 超新星。 在2014年,研究M82的科学家发现已知最明亮的脉冲星,命名为M82 X-2。 用6英寸 (15厘米)或更大的望远镜 …
M82:有超级星系风的星爆星系 | NASA中文
2021年7月11日 · 星系M82之所以会发生持续约1亿年的爆发性恒星诞生活动,是因曾与邻近大星系M81 近距离接近而触发的。因外观细长而拥有雪茄星系称号的M82,跨幅约30,000光年,位在 …
M82: the exploding galaxy? - Semantic Scholar
M82 sans explosion: a galaxy drifts through dust. Or, can a simple field galaxy find stardust in the M81 group? A. Solinger P. Morrison T. Markert
星系大战: M81与M82 | NASA中文
2023年1月20日 · Also known as Bode’s galaxy, M81 spans some 100,000 light-years. On the left is cigar-shaped irregular galaxy M82. The pair have been locked in gravitational combat for a …
1977ApJ...211..707S Page 707
Title: M82 sans explosion - A galaxy drifts through dust Authors: Solinger, A., Morrison, P., & Markert, T. Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 211, Feb. 1, 1977, p. 707-717. …
Bad Time Simulator (Sans Fight) - Jcw87's Web Projects
do you wanna have a bad time? 'cause if you visit this page... you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.
Releases · andtheherois/3DSS-M82-Reanimation - GitHub
standalone 3DSS for the m82 renaimation made by NickolasNikova. - andtheherois/3DSS-M82-Reanimation
Galaxies M81 & M82 – Photon Millenium
Les galaxies M81 et M82, dans la constellation de la Grande Ourse, constituent l’un des plus beaux « couples » galactique observables par l’amateur. Ces deux galaxies font partie, avec …
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