M825 155mm Projectile - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M825 is a 155mm Smoke projectile used to provide screening or marking smoke. It is a separate loading munition using a hollow forged steel shell. The shape is ogival with a boat tail for...
PROJECTILE, 155mm, WP, M825 & M825A1 - uxoinfo.com
The M825/M825Al projectile consists of a modified M483A1 projectile carrier consisting of an M483A1 ogive and expulsion charge in a modified M483A1 all steel body and a threaded steel ring base. A rotating band encircles the assembled projectile near the base.
Differential identification of M825 WP and M150 HC smoke …
2024年10月2日 · The M825 series dispenses 116 small smoke elements that tumble to the ground burning, generating the tell-tale ‘snake-like’ trails of smoke associated with the M825 series and similar munitions. By contrast, the M150 expels just 5 smoke elements, each falling to the ground burning.
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The M825 MOD ?IP projectile is a domed steel base projectile with one inch cut off from the boattail and with a payload of 'fat spec' phosphorus felt wedges. The term 'fat
Smoke Projectiles - Federation of American Scientists
The M825 WP projectile is an FA-delivered 155-mm base-ejection projectile designed to produce a smoke screen on the ground for a duration of 5 to 15 minutes. It consists of two major components--the projectile carrier and the payload.
Projectile, 155mm Smoke WP, M825, M825A1 - Bulletpicker
The M825/M825A1 smoke projectile is used by the artillery to produce screening smoke to obscure enemy vision or to screen maneuvering elements. These projectiles are separate loading 155mm artillery projectiles which are used to produce a ground screening smoke of …
155mm m825 projectile - CAT-UXO
This is the American 155mm M825 and M825A1, a White-Phosphorus Smoke (WPS), base-eject, spin-stabilised, carrier projectile used to produce screening SMK to obscure enemy vision or …
Figure 2-38. 155mm DP projectiles - tpub.com
The color code for the M825 is a light-green body with one yellow band and light-red markings. The color code for the M825A1 is the same, except that it also has a light-red band near the nose of the projectile. The DODIC for both projectiles is D528. M116-series projectiles have a white (HC) smoke filler.
FM 6-40 Chptr 13 Special Munitions - GlobalSecurity.org
Smoke munitions (M825, M116, and M110) are used to establish and maintain smoke screens. The following tables and equations can help you determine data when firing M825, M116, or M110 smoke...
ARMY - MIL-DTL-64000D CONT. DIST. - Engineering360
This specification covers quality assurance provisions for bursters of two types of 155 - millimeter White Phosphorus (WP) smoke projectiles. The bursters are intended to be compatible with the canister loading assembly used in two projectile types - the Projectile, 155MM, Smoke, WP, M825 and the Projectile, 155 MM, Smoke, WP, M825A1.