M68 tank gun - Wikipedia
The M68 is an American 105 mm tank gun. It uses British-designed L7 gun tube and cartridges with an American-designed mount, breech assembly and recoil mechanism. The M68 differs from the L7 in several aspects : The M68 uses a concentric recoil spring instead of a separate buffer and recuperator hydraulic cylinders.
105×617mmR - Wikipedia
The 105×617mm (4.1 inch), also known as 105×617mmR, is a common, NATO-standard, tank gun cartridge used in 105 mm guns such as those derived from the Royal Ordnance L7. The 105×617mmR cartridge was originally developed from the 84 mm (3.3 in) calibre Ordnance QF 20-pounder 84 × 618R cartridge as part of the development of the L7 105 mm ...
M833 105mm APFSDS-T - GlobalSecurity.org
A Presidential Determination issued in July 1994 authorized the sale of 105-mm. M833 depleted uranium tank ammunition to Bahrain for use with its M60A3 tanks.
Cartridge, 105mm APFSDS-T, M833 - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is an armor-piercing antitank cartridge and is intended for use on 105mm guns M68 cannon, against armored targets. The projectile consists of a subprojectile and sabot.
貧鈾彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
貧鈾彈 (英語: Depleted uranium ammunition)又稱 貧化鈾彈 、 衰變鈾彈 或 耗弱鈾彈,是指彈體使用提煉出鈾-235這類高放射性物質時留下的殘餘材料為主原料的 合金 所製成的 彈頭。 貧化鈾彈因撞击和燃烧所产生的貧化鈾气溶胶和粉末可能会擴散到自然環境中,而貧化鈾具有化學毒性及放射性,进而污染撞击地点周围的大片区域,所以使用貧化鈾彈的正當性也备受爭議。 大多數國家不會拿來裝備防衛部隊,而是多用於進攻遠離本土的地方。 由於離開國土進行長距離的戰爭 …
105-mm M68 tank gun — Combat Vehicle Guns - Military Periscope
The M68 fires M392 armor-piercing, discarding sabot with tracer (APDS-T), M735 and M774 fin-stabilized APDS-T (APFSDS-T) with tungsten penetrators, M833 APFSDS-T with depleted uranium (DU) penetrator, M456 high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and M494 anti-personnel with tracer (APERS-T)...
GHPC炮手指南:M60A3 TTS - 哔哩哔哩
2021年6月5日 · ghpc中的m60a3 tts标配两种功能强大的主炮弹药:m833尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹(apfsds)和m456尾翼稳定高爆反坦克弹(破甲弹 heat-fs)。 M833有着极高的飞行速度、平直的弹道以及能够击穿那个年代所有装甲的强大穿透力,因此适合用来对付重装甲载具,如坦克。
M833 APFSDS In-Game Performance : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2019年2月12日 · M833 was purely for the venerable M60 battalions. There is nothing more that can be achieved from the 105 mm rifled gun, this is the reason for the M1 Abrams existing.
The M1 Abram should be updated with the M833 or M900
2024年10月19日 · Today I’m here to talk about how the M1 Abram armed with the M68A1 main gun is missing a round that would bring it to par to the other tanks at it’s respective Battle Rating (BR). The following is information is based off in game stats and Realistic BR as of 17OCT2024.
Alfredsson M833 - Mafia Wiki
The Alfredsson M833 is a weapon in Mafia III. A lightweight, readily available SMG whose durability made it a favorite in 'Nam. The weapon can be purchased from the Arms Dealer. The Alfredsson M833 is based on the Smith & Wesson M76. The M76 was the most frequent submachine gun to be used by the...