105×617mmR - Wikipedia
The 105×617mm (4.1 inch), also known as 105×617mmR, is a common, NATO-standard, tank gun cartridge used in 105 mm guns such as those derived from the Royal Ordnance L7.
Alfredsson M833 - Mafia Wiki
The Alfredsson M833 is a weapon in Mafia III. A lightweight, readily available SMG whose durability made it a favorite in 'Nam. The weapon can be purchased from the Arms Dealer. The Alfredsson M833 is based on the Smith & Wesson M76. The M76 was the most frequent submachine gun to be used by the...
M68 tank gun - Wikipedia
[15] [14] The improved M833 round starting in 1983, also using a depleted uranium penetrator to keep the M68E1 gun viable against this improved armor. In 1975 an updated version of the gun, the T254E3 was designed, focusing on the use of chrome plating to improve accuracy. It was used to evaluate improvements to the gun's performance using ...
M833 105mm APFSDS-T - GlobalSecurity.org
A Presidential Determination issued in July 1994 authorized the sale of 105-mm. M833 depleted uranium tank ammunition to Bahrain for use with its M60A3 tanks.
貧鈾彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美國陸軍的25mm貧化鈾彈,約85g, M2布雷德利 及 MK38遙控機炮系統 (英语:Mark 38 25 mm machine gun system) 的 M242巨蝮式鏈炮 適用。 美國海軍的20mm貧化鈾彈,約100g, MK15 Block 0方陣近迫武器系統 的 M61火神式機炮 適用。 1991年的 波斯灣戰爭 中,美軍實際用來對付 伊拉克 的戰車部隊(官方聲明用了約300噸)。 之後, 北約 多國籍軍隊介入 波士尼亞戰爭 與 科索沃战争 時,也在波斯尼亞用了約1萬發、在科索沃用了約3萬發的貧化鈾彈。 而一般認 …
Cartridge, 105mm APFSDS-T, M833 - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is an armor-piercing antitank cartridge and is intended for use on 105mm guns M68 cannon, against armored targets. The projectile consists of a subprojectile and sabot.
M833 - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2018年10月14日 · Introduced in 1983, the M833 served as the U.S. military's primary wartime 105mm anti-armor round through the end of the Cold War. Featuring a roughly 11% increase in overall penetration compared to the M774, the M833 is capable of penetrating the frontal aspects of the T-62 , T-64A , and T-72 Ural beyond 2000m and is adequate (70th percentile ...
关于105m1的m833穿甲弹 - 百度贴吧
去年就拆包发现安东把m833加进游戏数据了 为啥一年多都没给105m1实装 难道这是安东的大棋? 毕竟这一年过去了,美系的对手有了更多结实的mbt。未来还可能出99 96a这些? 不知道105m1何时才能有m833穿甲弹
GHPC炮手指南:M60A3 TTS - 哔哩哔哩
2021年6月5日 · ghpc中的m60a3 tts标配两种功能强大的主炮弹药:m833尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹(apfsds)和m456尾翼稳定高爆反坦克弹(破甲弹 heat-fs)。m833有着极高的飞行速度、平直的弹道以及能够击穿那个年代所有装甲的强大穿透力,因此适合用来对付重装甲载具,如坦克。
105mm m833 projectile - CAT-UXO
This is the American 105mm M833, an electrically primed, Armour-Piercing-Fin-Stabilised-Discarding-Sabot with tracer (APFSDS-T), fin-stabilised, solid-shot penetrating projectile …
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