各国迫击炮性能数据(三) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月10日 · 该炮是西班牙埃斯佩兰扎查公司为解决现役迫击炮重量过大而设计的新型 120mm 迫击炮,重量比 L 式 120mm 迫击炮大为减轻。 该炮已投入生产,除装备西班牙陆军外,其他一些国家的陆军也有装备。
T-84 - Wikipedia
The T-84-120 Yatagan is a prototype model intended for export, mounting a 120 mm gun able to fire NATO-standard tank ammunition and anti-tank guided missiles. After the adoption of the T-80 tank, the Soviets began improving its design.
M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge [ERMC / ER-DPICM] effort is demonstrating a generically configured 120 mm extended range mortar cartridge which can deliver...
M-84AS1主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2017年的第一个版本M-84AS1与M-84A和基本型M-84(包括 T-72 的原始型号)相比进行了多项更改和改进。 采用国产第一代爆炸反应装甲(对比 “接触”-5),覆盖了更大面积的前炮塔和相当大的前板部分,提供了更好的防护。 配备了国产激光和雷达预警系统的新型火控系统及12.7mm远程控制武器系统和软主动防护套件。 车体后部和炮塔进一步安装了笼式装甲,而车体正面的装甲板则保留下来。 尽管这些变化比之前的M-84有所改进,但这种设计仍然存在重大缺陷,尤其是在防 …
M-84 - Wikipedia
The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank based on the Soviet T-72. It is still in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Kuwait.
Cartridge, 120mm APFSDS-T, M829A2 - Bulletpicker
The M829A2 is a U.S. design developed 120mm APFSDS-T cartridge. The complete round contains a propulsion/ignition system and an inert projectile which is similar to the M829A1. The propulsion/ignition system consists of a combustible cartridge case with a metal cartridge case base, granular and stick propellant, and an M129 electric primer.
M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge
The M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge [ERMC / ER-DPICM] effort is demonstrating a generically configured 120 mm extended range mortar cartridge which can deliver a variety of payloads, including cost-effective anti-materiel / antipersonnel sub-munitions, enhanced screening and multi-spectral smoke, white and IR illumination, coun...
tended range and base bleed ammunition. The fuze is suitable for use with 39, 45 and 52 calibre weapo. systems and is safe for flick-ramming. It has also been designed and qualified for use with 120mm rifled mortars, providing full electronic fun.
120mm m84 mortar bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the Yugoslavian 120mm M84, a Hexa-Chloroethane (HC) Smoke (SMK), fin-stabilised, nose-ejection, carrier mortar-bomb. At launch, the ignition cartridge fires the increment …
120mm 박격포 - 나무위키
제1세계 와 제2세계 양쪽을 비롯한 전세계 여러 나라의 군대에서 보병 화력 지원용으로 널리 사용하고 있는 박격포 이다. 구경 에 비해서 포와 포탄의 무게가 가벼우면서도 작은 구경에도 위력은 155mm 견인곡사포 에 못지 않다. 14~19㎏ 중량인 120㎜ 박격포탄의 최대 살상 반경은 39m 이상으로 중량 42㎏에 살상 반경이 50m인 155mm 곡사포탄의 85%에 달하는 위력을 보인다. 즉, 두 화포의 구경 차이가 큰데도 불구하고 120㎜ 박격포탄의 위력이 155㎜ 곡사포탄에 근접하는 것이다.
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