M-84 - Wikipedia
The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank based on the Soviet T-72. It is still in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Kuwait.
M-84 - Tank Encyclopedia
Regarded as one of the best copies of the T-72 main battle tank, the M-84 was a unique product of the Yugoslavian geopolitical situation, combining an Eastern license with Western …
M-84 – Wikipedija
Tijekom Desetodnevnog rata u Sloveniji JNA je koristila M-84 tenkove koji su se poslije sukoba povukli u Hrvatsku i Srbiju od kuda je planiran napad na Hrvatsku. Slovenija je zarobila …
JNA: M 84 glavni borbeni tenk Jugoslavenske Narodne Armije
Jan 16, 2016 · M-84 je naziv za glavni borbeni tenk bivše JNA koji se proizvodio po licenci za sovjetski tenk T-72 u bivšoj SFRJ. Tenk se proizvodio od 1984. do 1991. godine. Proizvedeno …
Details of the M-84 main battle tank of the Yugoslav National …
May 30, 2016 · The M-84 is the name of the main battle tank of the former JNA, which was produced under license from the Soviet tank T-72 in the former Yugoslavia. The tank was …
Nora M-84 - Wikipedia
Basic variant that was accepted in the armament of the JNA in 1984. Small quantities are in use. Variant with 18 liters redesigned powder chamber and reduced mass to 6.88 tones. Most used …
M-84 - Wikipedia
M-84 je naziv za glavni borbeni tenk bivše JNA koji se proizvodio po licenci za sovjetski tenk T-72 u bivšoj SFRJ. Tenk se proizvodio od 1984. do 1991. godine. Proizvedeno je 652 komada …
【冷门/稀有历史录像】前南内战∶波黑第五军的两辆M84坦克-「雷 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esqTMPOPBfA&t=149sARBiH十分少见的M84坦克录像~根据原片简介,战时的ARBiH在塞族武装手下虏获了四架M84坦克;当中第五军在1995年8月虏获 …
Jan 12, 2016 · U borbenim dejstvima M84 je pokazao izuzetnu efikasnost, ubojitost i preciznost. Pored toga, karakterišu ga pouzdanost i jednostavnost za održavanje i upotrebu. Zato je, …
M-84 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Two JNA M-84A MBTs destroyed by Croats during the Borovo Naselje battle. The M-84 saw action in the Battle of Vukovar , where the JNA, perhaps naively deployed large columns of …