M8A1 - Call of Duty Wiki
The M8A1 (called XM8 in early footage and game files) is a four-round burst assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Strike Team, and Call of Duty: Heroes.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - Weapons List | Stats
Black Ops 3 has a host of weapons, ranging from general purpose assault rifles to powerful bolt-action sniper rifles, which can be customized and fitted with up to four attachments. Like its predecessor, BO3 features the Pick 10 system that gives you total freedom to completely customize your class as you see fit.
Black Ops 3 "M8A7" Assault Rifle Multiplayer Gameplay! M8A1
The M8A1 from Black Ops 2 is back! BO3's M8A7 looks like a solid assault rifle! Black Ops 3 SnD Gameplay: http://youtu.be/RUBIB-iaxiI Black Ops 3 Uplink Ga...
M8A1 - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD攻略资 …
M8A1是一把四连发突击步枪,单发威力较小,但在一定射程内,可以做到一轮四连发击杀一个人。 M8A1甚至还有能力做到3枪毙命,只不过实战中非常少见。
M8A7 - Call of Duty Wiki
It is a four round burst assault rifle with a high fire rate. It is a four shot kill out to 37.5 meters, after which it will decrease to five, meaning two bursts will be required to kill at long ranges. It has a headshot damage multiplier of 1.1x, which will not decrease shots to kill against a non-damaged enemy at any range.
战车溯源:堪称“掌心雷”的美国超轻型突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
为了进一步缩小75毫米榴弹炮的体积,榴弹炮只保留了炮闩和炮管这两个最基础的部件,并且部分使用了M4重型坦克的M34炮座部件。 M8A1座圈也被扩大到1.38米,炮塔内可以容纳炮手和装填手。
B03 Year 5 Gameplay M8A1 IS BAY - YouTube
150 LIKES?! BEST ASSAULT RIFLES IN COD COMING BACK! MA81 Returns & SCORESTREAKS (B03 NEWS & INFO)Hope you guys did enjoy the video, make sure to comment and ...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - M8A7
Minimal recoil and high fire rate. Unlocked at Rank 55. Precision red dot sight. Enhanced zoom sight. Magnification Optic. Biometric Object Analyser. Detect enemy heat signatures. Emitted …
前进吧!美利坚!(十二)——在山区表现出色的M8自行火炮 - 知乎
M8A1是美军为了填补坦克歼击车项目的空白而改装的应急之作,其主武器为一门谢尔曼坦克使用的75毫米炮。 但随着M18坦克歼击车项目的神速推进,M8A1未能量产。