M8A1 GMC | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals", the M8A1 is a Stuart light tank package with a medium tank firepower not too unlike the M24 Chaffee. Although its armour and crew survivability is poor, the emphasis on firepower and mobility allows players to use it as a light tank destroyer to flank and destroy enemy tanks with its firepower.
Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 - Wikipedia
The 75 mm howitzer motor carriage M8 "Scott" was a self-propelled howitzer vehicle of the United States in use during World War II. It was developed on the chassis of the M5 Stuart tank and was equipped with a M116 howitzer in an M7 mount.
75 mm Gun M3 on 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 Chassis
2022年11月5日 · The ‘M8 GMC,’ ‘M8A1,’ or even the long-winded 75 mm Gun M3 on 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 Chassis, was a failure. Although the vehicle performed quite well during its initial trials, numerous serious flaws were eventually discovered.
战车溯源:堪称“掌心雷”的美国超轻型突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
M8自走炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M8 75毫米榴彈炮載具 (英語: 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8,縮寫:M8 HMC)是一款 二戰 期間 美國 製 自走炮。 這款自走炮是在 M5斯圖亞特輕型坦克 的車體上加裝一具裝備75公厘榴彈炮的360度全向旋轉炮塔而製成,它原本是為了提供 裝甲兵 野戰曲射火力支援而開發,但是在戰鬥需求急遽變化後轉為二線用途。 它在1944年依循美國裝甲兵傳統被取名為斯科特-一位在美國南北內戰期間負有盛名的 將軍。 自1920年代,美國陸軍即開列出自走砲的需求。 最初底盤選擇 …
H.M.C. M8 "Scott" (1942) - tank-afv.com
The M8A1 was the only variant, based on the M5A1 chassis, including all its features. The M5A1 hull was kept unchanged, except that a fixed hatch was mounted instead of the cal.30 (7.62 mm) mount. The motor was still the twin Cadillac V8 with hydramatic transmission. However, the M2 howitzer was replaced by the improved M3.
前进吧!美利坚!(十四)——二战期间轻型坦克歼击车发展 - 知乎
这款坦克歼击车的定型取得了成功,被定名为m8a1,该车本计划在地狱猫项目服役之前撑一下门面,但最终未能执行。 【图6:M8A1坦克歼击车】 1941年10月,美国军方在T9空降坦克(即后来的M22蝉式)底盘上安装一门37毫米反坦克炮,取名为T42坦克歼击车。
HMC M8: Quick Support for Light Tanks - Tank Archives
2019年4月6日 · The result was an SPG sometimes known as the M8A1, but this index was never used in reality. However, by the time it was presented in January of 1943, the GMC T67 with a more powerful 76 mm gun already existed. The development of the GMC T70 was already launched as well, which would also feature the 76 mm gun.
Battleground Weird WWII: M8 HMC "Scott"
2012年6月7日 · AAMG: The M8 and M8A1 are fitted with an AAMG ring-mount that allows the crew to fire the AAMG with a 360-degree field of fire from within the vehicle. The ring-mount may be fitted with either a .30cal at an Availability of 15 or .50cal at an Availability of 10.
M8A1 GMC - NamuWiki
2024年4月18日 · "M8A1" is a prototype anti-tank self-propelled gun equipped with a 75mm M3 anti-tank gun based on the M8 HMC, and only one unit was produced. Originally, there was a demand for a light anti-tank self-propelled gun, so the Scott was first modified and tested with the M3 gun used by the Sherman.
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