Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 - Wikipedia
The 75 mm howitzer motor carriage M8 "Scott" was a self-propelled howitzer vehicle of the United States in use during World War II. It was developed on the chassis of the M5 Stuart tank and was equipped with a M116 howitzer in an M7 mount.
战车溯源:堪称“掌心雷”的美国超轻型突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
m8a1全车总重为15.7吨,使用2台凯迪拉克6缸汽油机,最大输出马力为220马力,功重比为14.02马力/吨。 相对来说机动性还是非常优秀的,但是该车的防御力就有点逊色了:装甲最厚处仅有44毫米,而且还是个“敞篷车”,这使得该车在伴随步兵突击时相对脆弱。
H.M.C. M8 "Scott" (1942) - tank-afv.com
HMC Scott M8A1 in Normandy, July 1944. In the bocage, enemy troop movements were sometimes so hard to detect that M8 battalions found themselves attacked by infiltrated German infantry, in normally "cleared" sectors, but could repel …
75 mm Gun M3 on 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 Chassis
2022年11月5日 · The ‘M8 GMC,’ ‘M8A1,’ or even the long-winded 75 mm Gun M3 on 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 Chassis, was a failure. Although the vehicle performed quite well during its initial trials, numerous serious flaws were eventually discovered.
M8自走炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M8 75毫米榴彈炮載具 (英語: 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8,縮寫:M8 HMC)是一款 二戰 期間 美國 製 自走炮。 這款自走炮是在 M5斯圖亞特輕型坦克 的車體上加裝一具裝備75公厘榴彈炮的360度全向旋轉炮塔而製成,它原本是為了提供 裝甲兵 野戰曲射火力支援而開發,但是在戰鬥需求急遽變化後轉為二線用途。 它在1944年依循美國裝甲兵傳統被取名為斯科特-一位在美國南北內戰期間負有盛名的 將軍。 自1920年代,美國陸軍即開列出自走砲的需求。 最初底盤選擇 …
HMC M8: Quick Support for Light Tanks - Tank Archives
2019年4月6日 · The M8A1 became a test lab for carrying the 75 mm gun on such a small chassis. The results were positive, but the gun mount for the Light Tank T24 had to be changed to reduce the recoil length. In addition, it was recommended that the turret ring be increased in diameter.
M8A1 GMC | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals", the M8A1 is a Stuart light tank package with a medium tank firepower not too unlike the M24 Chaffee. Although its armour and crew survivability is poor, the emphasis on firepower and mobility allows players to use it as a light tank destroyer to flank and destroy enemy tanks with its firepower.
Battleground Weird WWII: M8 HMC "Scott"
2012年6月7日 · M8 75mm HMC: The M8 can fire HE, HEAT, Smoke, WP and chemical weapon shells. Follow all the normal rules for the appropriate shell.
M系4级坦克歼击车M8A1--小数据中的坦克世界 - xiaosj.cn
m8a1的观察范围为320米,通讯距离782米,视野部分得分407分,排在iv级坦克歼击车的第4位。 根据M8A1的火力、机动、防护、隐藏、视野得分,其在坦克世界(wot)中的定位为游走,支援,输出, 游走 是其第一定位。
Based on the M5 Light Tank, the M8 gave U.S. Armoured units direct fire support. It was issued to Assault Troops located in Recce Squadrons and HQ Units in Tank Companies. They were gradually phased out due to the introduction of the heavier …