M9 | Armed Assault Wiki | Fandom
The M9 is a 9 mm handgun featured in ArmA: Cold War Assault, ArmA: Armed Assault, ArmA 2, and ARMA Reforger. The 92F is primarily used by U.S. military forces as well as in limited numbers with the Nogovan Partisans in ArmA: Cold War Assault.
Beretta M9 - Wikipedia
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
貝瑞塔M9手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
貝瑞塔M9手槍,美國軍方正式名稱為M9九毫米半自動手槍( Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9 ),是美軍在1990年起裝備的制式手槍,由意大利 貝瑞塔 92F(早期型M9)及92FS衍生而成。
Beretta M9 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La Beretta M9 es una pistola 9×19mm Parabellum adoptada por las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos en 1985 para su uso como "pistola de servicio" por parte de los oficiales y suboficiales. Es esencialmente una versión militar de la pistola semi automática Beretta 92FS.
M9手枪(英文:M9 Pistol)是意大利1985年研制的一种军用手枪。 M9手枪为意大利伯莱塔公司研制,该枪采用枪管短行程后座作用原理、闭锁方式为卡铁下沉式,单/双动扳机设计,以15发可拆式弹匣供弹,口径9毫米,采用9x19毫米北约制式枪弹,枪长217毫米,枪重1.1 ...
Beretta M9 - Wikipedia
La Beretta M9 è una pistola semiautomatica, progettata per il calibro 9 x 19 mm Parabellum, costruita dalla Beretta Holding e data in dotazione alle forze armate degli Stati Uniti dal 1985 al 2017. [1] È essenzialmente una Beretta 92, conforme alle specifiche militari del Dipartimento della difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America.
M9 – Mundo de las Armas
Después de más de un cuarto de siglo sirviendo al ejército estadounidense en todo el mundo, la M9 puede ser considerada realmente el arma de combate decisiva y la pistola táctica más famosa del mundo. La M9 sea el arma más segura y confiable de hoy para la defensa policial, militar y personal.
Beretta M9 Pistol - Military.com
The M9 is a lightweight, semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Beretta and designed to replace the M1911A1 .45 caliber pistol and .38 caliber revolvers. The Beretta M9 has redundant automatic...
Arma: Armed Assault - Internet Movie Firearms Database
Beretta M9. The Beretta M9 is the standard issue sidearm for both the US and RACS factions. An M9 fitted with AAC EVOLUTION 9mm suppressor is also available for Special Forces operators. Trivia: The expression "STFU" is engraved on the M9's …
Weaponsandhistory - Beretta M9
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985. The M9 uses a short recoil, falling breech block mechanism.