M92 Pistol • Rust Wiki - RustClash
The M92 pistol is a powerful weapon with low recoil and high fire rate and damage. It can't be crafted by the player, rather it has to be ...
M92 Pistol - Rust Wiki
The M92 Pistol is a ranged weapon that fires Pistol Bullets. It has a high rate of fire and deals more damage than the Semi-Automatic Pistol. Can be obtained from Airdrops and Attack Helicopters. SCIENTIST BOXES . Can be purchased from the bandit camp for 250 scrap. It cannot be crafted. It is based on the real world Beretta 92FS pistol.
RUST M92 Pistol Skins, Crafting Data, and Insights - Corrosion Hour
The RUST M92 Pistol (M92) is a low-to-mid ranged, medium rate of fire gun in RUST. Players commonly use the M92 as a backup sidearm accompanying a rifle for close-quarter situations. The weapon has decent versatility in use, being commonplace for both PVE situations like Oil Rig and other monuments and limited range PVP.
M92手枪 - 腐蚀WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
首页 物品图鉴m92手枪 M92手枪(M92 Pistol) 物品介绍:军用级别的半自动手枪,射速快,精度高。 物品短名称:pistol.m92 物品ID:-852563019
M92手枪 | Rust Wiki - rusthelp.com
Rust里的M92手枪维基指南。 在哪里可以找到它,如何制作它,在科技树中需要多少废料,摧毁它需要多少爆炸物或镐子,分解机能为你提供多少资源等等。
M92 Pistol - Rust Wiki
An uncraftable semi-automatic pistol that is highly effective at short ranges given it's high rate of fire and high damage output.
《腐蚀Rust》所有17种枪械制作方法及优缺点分析 m249+M92…
2018年2月14日 · 本文为大家带来腐蚀Rust全枪械图鉴及介绍,m249+M92+LR-300+MP5+手枪+单管喷+步枪+汤姆逊+喷火枪 主要从每支枪的制作材料、优缺点及介绍为大家讲述。 <br />
M92 Pistol - Rust Wiki
The M92 Pistol in Rust is a high-tier, semi-automatic handgun known for its low recoil and high rate of fire. With significant damage output, it outperforms many other sidearms in the game. Players cannot craft this weapon; it must be acquired through looting or trading.
M92 Pistol - Rust Wiki
The M92 Pistol is a ranged weapon that fires Pistol ammo. It has a high rate of fire and deals more damage than the Semi-Automatic Pistol. There are currently no skins available for the M92 Pistol. It can be obtained from Airdrops and Attack Helicopters. It is …
M92手枪/获取 - 腐蚀WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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