M9842 OKI Processors / Microcontrollers - Veswin Electronics
The M9842 electronic component is brought into production by OKI, included in Processors / Microcontrollers. Each device is available in a small QFP-64 package and specified over the extended temperature range of -40°C to 105°C (TA).
- 评论数: 1
MSM9842 Datasheet(PDF) - OKI electronic componets
Description: Playback LSI with Built-in FIFO. Manufacturer: OKI electronic componets.
M9842 OKI Integrated Circuits (ICs) - Jotrin Electronics
The M9842 parts manufactured by OKI are available for purchase at Jotrin Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The M9842 components of Jotrin Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
- 评论数: 1
M9842 4+2机手术互动录播主机_美菲特品牌-北京林凤致远科技有 …
主机专为手术录播应用而设计的专业设备,集支持4K合成编码、4KHDMI输入、4K合成HDMI输出、RTSP/H.323/SIP多协议四方互动、可选内置5G WIFI无线图像、可选配内置数字音频处理器等功能为一体。 2. 主机内置录制、直播、点播、导播管理、存储、无缝切换等功能必须集成在一台主机内。 3. 主机采用嵌入式DSP纯硬件架构;Linux操作系统;能够7*24小时工作; 4. 主机采用铝质机箱,设备高度不高于1U; 5. 视频输入接口:8路物理接口。
Molex M9842 | Kynix
You can view the stock availability, pricing, and product specifications for the Molex M9842 on Kynix and place an order online.
- 评论数: 7
The MSM9842 is a mono/stereo playback LSI with a built-in 1K bit FIFO for easy interface with external systems or non-semiconductor memory. It utilizes multiple playback modes, including the new ADPCM2 algorithm, which allows for even higher quality sound reproduction.
The M9842-22 series "snap-on" isolation amplifier and line conditioner separates and/or converts an analog process signal for computers and industrial control equipment. Also, a computer or control equipment's analog signal can be adapted to the process environment.
Multi-Pair Cable - 9842 - Belden
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, …); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS …
M9842 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
M9842 Datasheet. Part #: M98E-010.0M. Datasheet: 170Kb/4P. Manufacturer: Connor-Winfield Corporation. Description: Precision Sub-Miniature 3.2x5.0mm TCXO / VCTCXO. 3 ...
Madeira M9842-025 Thread, 40wt/220 yd, Textured Gold, 200 …
Smart Spool. 70% Nylon (Polyamide)/30% Metallic. Polyester. For Machine Embroidery. It is made in Germany. Shop Madeira at the Amazon Arts, Crafts & Sewing store. Free Shipping on eligible items. Save on everyday low prices.