M99 AMR - Killing Floor 2 Wiki
The M99 AMR is a Sharpshooter Tier 5 weapon. It is the heaviest weapon in the Sharpshooter's arsenal, dealing a massive amount of damage per bullet. With the proper skill setup, the M99 AMR is capable of one-shot-killing Scrakes and two-shot-killing Fleshpounds.
M99 AMR - Killing Floor Wiki
The M99 AMR is a Sharpshooter weapon in Killing Floor. It has the highest damage in a single shot, and also the highest weight of all the weapons in the game. TBA TBA
M99 AMR Caliber and purpose? - Steam Community
2018年7月22日 · Well, real life M99 is chambered for either .50 BMG (12.7x99mm) or .416 Barrett (10.6x83mm). AMR in its name stands for anti-materiel rifle, which means it can penetrate large variety of covers, lightly armored vehicles, and disable certain military equipment.
Zijiang M99 (Type 99) AMR - Military Factory
2019年8月21日 · Chinese Army and Marine Corps services added the Zijiang M99 Anti-Material Rifle (AMR) to its inventory around 2005. The heavy weapon is a semi-automatic system firing the 12.7x108mm Soviet cartridge from a 5-round detachable box magazine.
Sharpshooter (Killing Floor 2) - Killing Floor 2 Wiki
2023年9月22日 · M99 AMR is your most powerful weapon, capable of destroying Scrakes and Fleshpounds easily. But beware, it only leaves you 3 spare blocks of weight. While it is enough to get yourself sidearm for self-defense, stay close to your team, preferably behind. As an AMR user you're not meant to deal with small ZEDs.
Why is the M99 the only weapon ranked like a tier 6?
2023年6月16日 · AMR is priced as a weapon capable of instantly shaving off all of a Scrake's or QP's lifebar and most of a Fleshpound's (or all of it if you've got Assassin on during Zed-Time) as a instantly-hitting hitscan weapon from across the room, in some cases without needing multiple headshots like the Railgun.
Why would you use the M99? : r/killingfloor - Reddit
2022年5月23日 · You'd pair M99 with a .500 Mag that allows you to take down medium Zeds like other builds of the Sharpshooter. The only thing that bothers me with using the M99 is its limited ammo pool; but I got around that by transporting another M99 in the late-game between the Trader and the defense area.
中国M99半自动狙击步枪 - 百度百科
M99狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
m99 半自动狙击步枪是新定型的出口型反器材步枪,该枪刚一露面时,很容易让人觉得它与英国ai公司的as50深有渊源,两者的外形似乎很接近,均为气吹式原理,尤其是导气管外都有个隔热套保护,防止导气管加热上方空气而影响瞄准。
When and how to buy the M99 AMR as Sharpshooter? : r/killingfloor - Reddit
2018年6月18日 · I just recently picked up KF2 after playing a lot of KF1 back in the day. I've been really having a lot of fun with Sharpshooter, especially the M99 AMR. The problem I'm having is understanding how to build up to such an expensive gun. I usually just hold onto the lever action till around wave 2-3 and try and get something a bit better.