Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck - Wikipedia
The TFFT is based on a HEMTT M977A2 chassis with the heavier duty M1120 LHS HEMTT variant rear suspension. The TFFT contract was awarded to Pierce Manufacturing with Oshkosh Corporation as a subcontractor to Pierce.
重型增程機動戰術卡車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
重型增程機動戰術卡車 (英文:Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck,簡稱:HEMTT),是一款以提供美軍 後勤補給 為主要用途的 八輪驅動 越野卡車系列,也常被暱稱"龍卡車",多數為酬載量10噸之版本,但也有更高運載力之衍生型。
HEMTT即重型高机动战术卡车,Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck。 作为M520 Goer的后继型车型,HEMTT外号“Dragon Wagon”。 Oshkosh公司在1982年正式投产10吨级M977系列 …
Oshkosh HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
2021年2月2日 · Oshkosh Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) is an 8 x 8 diesel off-road tactical truck used by the US Army. Nicknamed Dragon Wagon, the HEMTT first went into service with the US Army in 1985, replacing the M520 Goer trucks.
55-2320-279-14 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1. Purpose and Scope This manual provides transportability guid-ance for logistical handling and movement of the heavy expanded mobility tactical truck (HEMTT), m. dels M977, M978, M983, M984, M984E1, M985, and M985E1 (GMT). It contains informat.
2015年4月29日 · Defense® HEMTT A4 cargo truck is extremely durable and reliable. It has the power to traverse even the most treacherous environments and ng supplies, equipment or ammunition, the HEMTT A4 cargo performs. An on-board crane with a 4,500 pound (2041 kg) load capacity can load and unload even the heaviest loads, and an anti-lock braking system ...
The USA’s heavy mover, HEMTT - Defense Archives
2024年10月21日 · Receiving designation XM977, the new truck now entered final development to become production-ready, and the first prototypes were handed over to the US army. Development went smoothly, and by March of 1982, the first Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) vehicles left the production line.
HEMTT重型高机动战车族是一种在美军中服役的八轮驱动柴油动力的战术卡车。 目的就是为了替换在美国陆军服役了近20年的M520卡车。 不过,在了解HEMTT重型高机动车族之前,我先简单介绍一下M520卡车。 M520是一款8吨级的4×4军用越野载货汽车,广泛用于各种军需物资,武器弹药的运输,这款卡车有两个个较大的优点,首先M520采用铰接式设计,驾驶室与货仓完全分开,避免货物在车辆越野时的意外移动对驾驶室乘员造成伤害,其次就是M520没有悬架装置, …
HEMTT - Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical …
It covers the basic types M977, M978, M983, M984, M985, M1120 and M1977 plus their variants now up to the A4 versions. Extending over two volumes in 128 pages and with no less than 265 colour photographs, many of which hitherto unpublished, it replaces the original long sold-out original edition Tankograd American Special 3003. > Where to order?
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) - Specifications
2013年1月16日 · Manufacturered by the Oshkosh Truck Corporation, the HEMTT is a series of 10-ton, eight-wheel-drive vehicles designed to provide transport capabilities for re-supply of combat vehicles and...