Xiao-Fei MA | Professor (Full) | PhD - ResearchGate
Xiao-Fei Ma Speciation is widely accepted to be a complex and continuous process. Due to complicated evolutionary histories, desert plants are ideal model systems to understand the...
2020年拟招收2名博士生,1名负责沙蓬核心种质资源评价和遗传定位;1名负责沙蓬应用标准化及其无抗养殖中的应用基础。 拟招收1名硕士生,负责沙蓬药用成分差异形成的分子生态基础。 2006 中国科学院植物研究所 植物学专业博士研究生. 植物逆境生理学. [1] 杨果, 马小飞, 梁艳萍, 钱朝菊, 周建伟, 伍修锟, 燕霞, 谢忠奎, 郭翊. 绵羊育肥全价颗粒饲料、制备方法和饲养绵羊的方法....
Xiaofei Ma - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
J Chen, T Källman, X Ma, N Gyllenstrand, G Zaina, M Morgante, ... Genetics 191 (3), 865-881, 2012. 187: 2012: Genetic Structure and Evolutionary History of a Diploid Hybrid Pine Pinus densata Inferred from the Nucleotide Variation at Seven Gene Loci. ... X Yan, M Zhou, X Dong, S Zou, H Xiao, XF Ma. AoB Plants 7, plv129, 2015. 38:
Xiaofei Ma - Google Scholar
AWS AI - Cited by 2,023 - AI Agent - LLM - AI4Code - Knowledge Base - Responsible AI
Xiao-Fei Ma's lab | Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Principal Investigator: Xiao-Fei Ma | We are focusing on the evolutionary history and adaptive mechanism of desert plants, and wild relatives of model plants. | ResearchGate, the professional...
Xiaofei Ma | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Xiaofei Ma (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in microelectronics from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2015 and 2018, respectively.
Xiaofei Ma (0000-0001-9456-0065) - ORCID
What Is the Threshold Elevation at Which Climatic Factors Determine Snow Cover Variability? A Case Study of the Keriya River Basin. Contributors: Li, Lin-Feng; Cushman, Samuel A.; He, Yan-Xia; Ma, Xiao-Fei; Ge, Xue-Jun; Li, Jia-Xin; Qian, Zhi-Hao; Li, …
Xiao-fei Ma | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Affiliations: [Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China].
Xiaofei MA | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Dr. Xiaofei Ma, Scientific Interests: 1) Land surface simulation (Carbon & water coupling); 2) Global change (land use & additional 0.5℃ of global warming); 3) Landscape ecology (ecosystem...
Xiaofei Ma - Google Scholar
X Ma, Y Lu, RP Martins, Q Li. 2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC), 306-308, 2018. 77: 2018: A fully integrated LDO with 50-mV dropout for power efficiency optimization. X Ma, Y Lu, Q Li. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (4), 725-729, 2019. 52:
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