Norinco MAK 91 National Match - M14 Forum
2008年7月19日 · The first is the NHM90/91(AK47 Thumbhole) imported in 1991-1993. Came with a 5 round mag, in 5.56x45 or 7.62x39. This, apparently was the original rifle referred to as the Mak-90. The second NHM90/91Sport had a choice of 16.34" barrel (NHM-90) or 23.27" barrel (NHM-91. The NHM-91 came with a bipod, and a hardwood thumbhole stock. I have an NHM ...
I have an MAK-91 "National Match" (purchased in '91)
2016年4月30日 · That's the look I am seeking. I want my old MAK-91 to be the accurate huting/defense rifle that it was meant to be from the beginning. These are sporting as well as personal defense rifles. I'd be willing to bet that the darned thing can perform nearly as well as a .30-30 will out to 125 yards. So many sell the MAK-91 "National Match" short.
Thumbhole stock replacement? - M14 Forum
2008年3月6日 · i believe all of the post ban milled receiver chinese ak's were slant cut,i have a Mak-91 milled receiver that i fitted a legend stock set to,it took me a total of 3 hours to do the job,and only lost 3/8 of an inch off of over all length havnt tried a slant cut one yet
Burris Signature series rings/mounts | M14 Forum
2025年1月1日 · i have the Poly Mak90 and the Norinco Mak91 , the Mak 91 they omitted the scope mount , what perplexes me is why they couldnt at least import the scope rigs despite the AWB , my guess it soured Poly Tech on the AK game all together
My MAK 90 | M14 Forum
2012年8月13日 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page
Teach Me About AK's | Page 2 | M14 Forum
2016年10月17日 · Gun Forum. Foreign. Teach Me About AK's
The Rifleman's AK-47 (not a typo) NOW WITH PICS
2004年6月5日 · That Chinses AK with the longer barrel sounds like what we know here as either the Poly Tech Legend "National Match" or Milled Reciever MAK-91. Save Share Reply Quote Like
finally my first ak | M14 Forum
2009年1月1日 · its a chinese norinco mak90/.223, was gonna buy an sks but my friend also had the ak so i snatched her up. heres some before and after pics and also in plum furniture
Talk Me Out of a PTR 91 GI | M14 Forum
2014年12月31日 · Response to 1)- Cost of mags, New PTR 91 aluminum mags cost the same as the best steel M14 mags, C.M.I.s. Parts for M14s aren't too expensive if you're not buying NIW. So it's a wash cost wise, you're ahead on mag quality M14 wise. Stick with the M14. Response to 2)- Op system, the PTR 91 might be "more interesting", but it recoils more.
Polyteck AK value availbility? | M14 Forum
2008年11月11日 · Jump to Latest 871 views 1 reply 2 participants last post by Lewis Nov 12, 2008