Effect of phosphorylation of myelin basic protein by MAPK on its ...
2006年1月17日 · Here we investigate the effect of phosphorylation of MBP on its interaction with actin in vitro by phosphorylating the most highly charged unmodified isomer, C1, at two sites with MAPK. Phosphorylation decreased the ability of MBP to polymerize actin and to bundle actin filaments but had no effect on the dissociation constant of the MBP-actin ...
An MKP-MAPK protein phosphorylation cascade controls vascular …
2022年3月9日 · Here, we show that an Arabidopsis MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP1) mutant has increased host susceptibility to the adapted pathogen Xcc and is compromised in nonhost resistance to the rice pathogen Xoo. MKP1 regulates MAPK-mediated phosphorylation of the transcription factor MYB4 that negatively regulates vascular lignification through inhibiting ...
Effect of Phosphorylation of Myelin Basic Protein By MAPK on its ...
2005年12月15日 · Here we investigate the effect of phosphorylation of MBP on its interaction with actin in vitro by phosphorylating the most highly charged unmodified isomer, C1, at two sites with MAPK. Phosphorylation decreased the ability of MBP to polymerize actin and to bundle actin filaments but had no effect on the dissociation constant of the MBP−actin ...
Modes of MAPK substrate recognition and control - ScienceDirect
2015年1月1日 · Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are universal, evolutionary conserved signalling modules, which translate environmental information into appropriate responses via phosphorylation of their substrate proteins. In Arabidopsis, the MAPK MPK3 regulates numerous cellular processes, including the adaptation to abiotic and biotic ...
Regulation of Myelin Basic Protein ... - Wiley Online Library
2001年12月25日 · Abstract: Myelin basic protein (MBP) phosphorylation is a complex regulatory process that modulates the contribution of MBP to the stability of the myelin sheath. Recent research has demonstrated the modulation of MBP phosphorylation by mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) during myelinogenesis and in the demyelinating disease multiple ...
Regulation of myelin basic protein phosphorylation by mitogen ... - PubMed
Myelin basic protein (MBP) phosphorylation is a complex regulatory process that modulates the contribution of MBP to the stability of the myelin sheath. Recent research has demonstrated the modulation of MBP phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) during myelinogenesis and in the …
In silico designing of multiepitope-based-peptide (MBP) vaccine …
2023年11月1日 · The in-silico design of a multiepitope-based-peptide (MBP) vaccine involves the computational identification of potential epitopes within a specific MAPK protein associated with Alzheimer's disease, followed by the selection of immunogenic epitopes, and the incorporation of these epitopes into a single peptide sequence.
Analysis of MAPK Activities Using MAPK-Specific Antibodies
2014年1月1日 · The activation of MAPKs can be easily monitored by using myelin basic protein (MBP) as an artificial substrate which is readily accepted by most MAPKs. As MAPK activity can be restored even after denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in-gel kinase assays are a powerful method for the detection of MAPK activities [ 11 ].
层层进击的磷酸化信号—MAPK通路解析 (下) - 知乎
p38激酶参与控制细胞对细胞因子和应激反应的信号级联, 哺乳动物中有四种p38激酶:p38α (MAPK14)、β (MAPK11)、γ (MAPK12)和δ (MAPK13 )。 与JNK途径相似,p38激酶被多种细胞应激激活,包括渗透休克、炎性细胞因子、脂多糖 (lps)、紫外线和生长因子。 此外,氧化应激和G蛋白偶联受体刺激间接激活p38。 p38通路在转录和翻译水平上是促炎细胞因子生物合成的关键调节因子,这使得该通路的不同组分成为治疗自身免疫和炎性疾病的潜在靶点。
MAPK Assays in Arabidopsis MAMP-PRR Signal Transduction
Here, we describe detailed protocols of three assays measuring MAPK activity after MAMP perception: (1) immune-blotting analysis with anti-phospho ERK1/2 antibody; (2) in-gel kinase assay using a general substrate myelin basic protein (MBP); (3) an in vitro kinase assay to evaluate phosphorylation of MAPK substrate candidates during MAMP-PRR ...
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