GitHub - mavlink-router/mavlink-router: Route mavlink …
MAVLink Router is an application to distribute MAVLink messages between multiple endpoints (connections). It distributes packets to a single port or multiple endpoints depending on the target address. Connections can be made via UART, UDP or TCP (see the endpoints chapter for details). In order to compile you need the following packages:
bluenviron/mavp2p: flexible and efficient Mavlink router - GitHub
mavp2p is a flexible and efficient Mavlink proxy / bridge / router, implemented in the form of a command-line utility. It is used primarily to link UAV flight controllers, connected through a serial port, with ground stations on a network, but can be used to build any kind of routing involving serial, TCP and UDP, allowing communication across ...
alireza787b/mavRouter - GitHub
MavRouter is an open-source graphical user interface (GUI) application designed to facilitate the routing of MAVLink traffic. It enables users to configure the source as either a serial port or a UDP endpoint and set up two destination output ports, simplifying the process of interfacing with MAVProxy for UAV telemetry and command protocols.
mavlink-router: MAVLink Router是一款强大的开源应用,用于在 …
MAVLink Router是一款强大的开源应用,用于在多个端点之间分发MAVLink消息。 支持UART、UDP和TCP连接,智能分配数据包至特定目标地址。 易于编译安装,依赖mavlink C库,适用于各种Linux发行版。
Routing | MAVLink Guide
Router Implementation The MAVLink Router can be used to mix-and-match different IP protocols with serial ports in order to route MAVLink traffic. Further Information
MAVLink Router 使用与部署指南 - CSDN博客
2024年8月16日 · 此指南提供了 MAVLink Router 在基本层面的结构概览、启动机制和配置管理的说明,帮助用户快速上手并根据实际需求调整应用配置。 对于深入了解和高级用法,建议查阅官方文档和源码注释。 mavlink-router Route mavlink packets between endpoints 项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ma/mavlink-router. 文章浏览阅读504次,点赞4次,收藏4次。
探索MAVLink Router:无人机通信的桥梁 - CSDN博客
2024年5月24日 · Mavlink Router是一个用于转发Mavlink消息的工具,可以将来自多个源的Mavlink消息转发到多个目标。以下是Mavlink Router的使用步骤: 1. 下载和安装Mavlink Router,可以从官方网站下载最新版本的Mavlink Router。
树莓派安装Mavlink-router教程 - CSDN博客
2024年8月18日 · Mavlink-router是一个嵌入式软件,用于处理Mavlink通信协议。Mavlink是一种轻量级的无人机通信协议,用于在无人机和地面站之间进行数据交换和控制命令传输。 Mavlink-router可以在嵌入式系统中运行,它提供了一个...
MAVProxy vs mavlink-router - MAVLink - Discussion Forum for …
2021年6月6日 · mavlink-router is a specialized tool to “route” mavlink packets from endpoint to endpoint, and it has a very robust feature set for doing just that. It’s written in C, and you can distribute a single binary.
路由 | MAVLink Guide
这个主题解释了如何由 MAVLink 系统路由信息。 一个 MAVLINK 网络由多种系统组成(无人机、地面站、天线追踪器等),这些系统可能由一个或多个组件(自动试验、相机、服务器等)组成。 Each system has a network-unique system id, and each component has a system-unique component id that can be used for addressing/routing: The system id has a value between 1 and 255. 默认自动试验系统 id通常是 1。 用户应在添加新的自动驾驶仪到网络时分配独特增加的 id …