how to restrict mb1a - SAP Community
if we roll back the mb1a from the user, it will be problem because he will be not in a position to issue any material. Please help me to resolve the problem. Is there any user exit to resolve it. …
What is use of MB1A in variant configuration - SAP Community
Dear Experts ,, i am into sd i have one doubt regarding variant configuration process , i know full configuration but stiil one doubt plz let clear once created sales order we do Goods issue …
User-Exit in MB1A - SAP Community
We have a scenario where we require that in MB1A no material should be issued To Production Order incase the Production Order has status other than the REL . Kindly guide us as which …
Problem with Goods Issue - MB1A - SAP Community
When i post the goods issue with MB1A (For an production order), after pressing the Adopt+Details, an ...
MB1a Goods issue enhancement - SAP Community
MB1a Goods issue enhancement. 74 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi Gurus, i have a requirement, my client need to ...
Exit or BAdi in MB1C and MB1A - SAP Community
I need to use the BADI or EXIT in MB1C and MB1A in the save moment. Anbody has idea that BADI/Exit I can use? I will make tha development in this transactions MB1C and MB1A, and in …
MB1A enhancement - SAP Community
Dear team, I need to make some changes in MB1A (goods issue). While we are issuing the goods my requirement is to grey out the issuing unit field in screen no 410 with the issuing unit given …
MB1A dump for movement type 551 - SAP Community
Hi all, When I try to save a good issue with movement type 551 I am getting a background dump. I get the message that the posting was done, but the document is not there and I see a pop up …
BDC MB1A problem - SAP Community
Hi all, I have created bdc for mb1a . its working fine in mode A but its not worl\king in mode N. it gives message 'Field COBL-KOSTL. is not an input field'.. please help its urgent.
cost center in mb1a - SAP Community
in mb1a tcode after giving movement type,storage location,plant.and selecting goods issue ->create with ref->to bom ,there cost center field is there there i need to populate that cost …