Master of Business Administration - SBM ITB
MBA ITB provides you access to the best pool of leadership talents in the country’s capital, Jakarta, and one of the world’s innovative city hubs for creativity and entrepreneurship, Bandung.
Admission MBA Program - SBM ITB
An eligible applicant for admission to MBA ITB you MUST provide a minimum TPA Bappenas score, or UPDA ITB (also required for foreign candidates with GPA less than 3.25 out of 4.00), …
MBA Bandung Campus - SBM ITB
MBA ITB aims to develop students to become innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset for the betterment of business, government, and society. The 18-month-long curriculum …
Program Studi Magister Administrasi Bisnis - Institut Teknologi …
Program Magister Administrasi Bisnis (MAB) adalah salah satu program MBA yang paling dihormati di Indonesia. Ini adalah program berbasis luas yang berkaitan dengan semua aspek …
Master's Program in Business Administration - Institut Teknologi …
The Master of Business Administration Program (MBA) is one of Indonesia's most highly respected MBA programs. It is a broad-based program concerned with all aspects of …
Landing Page - SBM ITB
Calling all future leaders to join our postgraduate programs! Our programs inspire students to become innovative leaders with the entrepreneurial mindsets and essential skills needed to …
School of Business and Management - Institut Teknologi Bandung
In the process, the MBA program which was initially run by the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, became part of the School of Business and Management, allowing it to have two programs; …
Program Studi SBM - Admission ITB
Dalam perkembangannya, Program MBA yang semula dijalankan oleh Fakultas Teknik Industri menjadi bagian dari School of Business and Management sehingga memiliki dua program …
Magister Administrasi Bisnis - SBM ITB
MAB ITB adalah tempat di mana program Magister Administrasi Bisnis bukan hanya sekedar menawarkan mata kuliah, tetapi kesempatan untuk belajar dari para pimpinan bisnis dan …
Master of Business Administration – SBM - Institut Teknologi …
ABOUT SBM ITB. Our Mission; History; Our Leadership; ACADEMIC PROGRAMS. Bachelor. Bachelor of Management; Bachelor of Entrepreneurship; Master. Master of Business …