Moisture Barrier Bags | Heat Sealable MBB Bags for Packaging
Moisture barrier bags, (sometimes called foil bags, alufoil bags or Mylar bags), are one of the most effective packaging solutions on the market today to protect against corrosive damage caused by humidity, moisture, oxygen, salt spray, aromas, grease …
Moisture Barrier Bags (MBB) and ESD Control | DigiKey
2018年10月29日 · Statshield Moisture Barrier Bags (MBB) are designed to protect the contents from both moisture and ESD events. MBBs protect ESD susceptible devices by forming a faraday cage around the contents, protecting the contents from moisture with specialized layers of film that control the Moisture Vapor Transfer Rate (MVTR).
MBB抗靜電防潮鋁箔袋 - 大全彩藝工業股份有限公司
抗靜電防潮鋁箔袋MBB適用包裝內容物: 晶圓盒(晶舟盒、Wafer Cassette) 脆盤(Tray) 捲帶&承載帶(Tape & Reel) 印刷電路板(PCB)、IC載板(IC carrier) IC封裝(IC packaging) 對靜電敏感的電子元件(sensitive electronic products) 偏光板(polarizer)、面板(Panel) 光學鏡片(lenses) 被動元 …
防潮袋 (MBB) 和 ESD 控制 | DigiKey
2018年10月29日 · Statshield 防潮袋 (MBB) 旨在保护内容物免受湿气和静电放电 (ESD) 的影响。 MBB 可通过在内容物周围形成一个 法拉第笼 ,来保护易受 ESD 影响的器件,以及通过可控制水汽透过率 (MVTR) 的专用薄膜层,来保护内容物免受湿气影响。
13804 - Statshield® Moisture Barrier Bag, 3.5 MIL, 4" x 6 ... - Desco
Designed for dry packing of moisture sensitive devices and to protect contents from damage due to ESD events or EMI. Protects contents from ESD charges and discharges. Meets the requirement for static shielding per ANSI/ESD S541, and EIA 541. Provides physical protection for contents. Allows bag to be grounded when placed on a grounded surface.
Heat Sealable Aluminium Moisture Barrier Bag - FlexiPack
Moisture barrier bags, also known as foil bags, metallized bags and sometimes provide moisture, corrosion and shielding protection for sensitive components. They are an effective packaging solution to protect against corrosive damage caused by humidity, moisture, oxygen, aromas, grease and other airborne contaminants.
防潮袋 (MBB) 與 ESD 控制 - DigiKey
2018年10月29日 · Statshield 防潮袋 (MBB) 的設計可保護袋中內容物,不受潮濕及 ESD 事件的影響。MBB 能在內容物的周圍形成法拉第籠,可保護易受 ESD 影響的元件;並利用能控制水汽穿透率 (MVTR
Moisture Barrier Bags | Reliable Protection Against Moisture
Moisture barrier bags, or MBB or moisture bags, provide reliable protection against moisture during storage and transit, especially in high-humidity environments. The bags can be used for packaging aerospace or automotive spare parts, semiconductors and …
Protective Packaging - A Guide To Moisture Barrier Bags
2023年6月19日 · Moisture barrier bags, also known as mbb, heat seal bag, or mylar bag, is a specialized packaging product designed to provide an effective barrier against moisture vapor and other outside contaminates. These bags are commonly used in many industries, including electronics, aerospace and automotive.
MBB (Moisture Barrier Bag)/ Anti-static Aluminum Bag
Best ESD moisture barrier bags- For the ultimate protection of electronic components against moisture, corrosion, and electrostatic discharge throughout storage and transit, FORMOSA MBB bags are indispensable.