MBL 101 X-Treme MKII Radialstrahler System
The crown jewel of MBL’s legendary product line, the 101 X-Treme MKII system never fails to astonish – in looks or sound. Our flagship transducer is comprised of two six-foot tall towers that each house a pair of MBL’s iconic Radialstrahler omni systems, flanked by another pair of six-foot subwoofer towers to create an extreme four tower ...
名留青史的音響巨作-mbl 101 X-treme四件式喇叭 - U-Audio 試 …
mbl花了好多年的時間找尋適當的複合材料,101 X-treme所使用的就是最新的材料,外層是鋁鎂合金,中間加上碳纖維振膜,兩者之中都「藏」著mbl獨門阻尼,這種複合振膜的道理,和我們講動圈喇叭使用三明治材料的道理相同,都是要把諧振點拉到不影響音樂的 ...
MBL 101 X-treme Omnidirectional Speaker - The Absolute Sound
2020年1月17日 · MBL’s flagship loudspeaker, the 101 X-treme is essentially two 101 Es without their subwoofers and subwoofer cabinets. One trio of radial drivers (woofer, midrange, …
更新旗艦,再上層樓-MBL 101 X-Treme MK2 四件式喇叭 - U …
德國 mbl 首席工程師 Reis Jurgen 的採訪,可能是這次來台原廠專訪難度最高者,因為 mbl 帶來最新大改款 101 X-Treme MKII Radialstrahler,歷經十四年時間,首度進化為 MKII,升級的技術含金量非常高。
空間表現大師-華笙試聽mbl 101E喇叭 - U-Audio 試聽報告
有沒有哪種喇叭在任何一個位置聽,聲音都不會差太多呢? 的確有,就是我這次去台中華笙音響試聽的mbl 101E喇叭,它獨特的球形振膜可360度全向發聲,所以在空間中的任何一個地方,都可以聽到清晰的聲音。
MBL 101 X-Treme MKII Loudspeaker - The Absolute Sound
2024年1月12日 · MBL 101 X-Treme MKII Loudspeaker - Can you make what is already one of the world’s most thrilling, beautiful, and realistic sounding loudspeakers even more thrilling, beautiful, and realistic sounding? With the help of MBL’s designer Jürgen Reis, JV gives you the answer—and it is a resounding “Yes!”
MBL Radialstrahler 101E Mk.II loudspeaker - Stereophile.com
2012年4月6日 · Take a casual look at the Mk.II edition of MBL's Reference 101E Radialstrahler loudspeaker, and you won't immediately see what's new compared with the original version, which I reviewed in October 2004. But the Mk.II has a shorter, sleeker bass cabinet, designed to, among other things, slightly lower the stack of omnidirectional drivers it ...
德国 德国之声 MBL 101E MKII落地式音箱--最真实的 ... - 6HIFI
2016年12月29日 · 101E MKII作为旗舰级的Hi-End音箱,毫无疑问有着通透真实的音色,加上极佳的声场立体感,音乐变得活灵活现,仿佛现场再现。 Edmundo Ros乐团版的《Capullito De Aleli》有着充沛的能量感,动态处理得很好,音量和气势起伏十分活泼。 各种乐器演绎都很到位,高频延伸出色,低频有着良好的下潜,而且泛音扩散控制得很好,并不会过度的扩散,收放十分迅速毫不拖沓。 除了精确的音色和声场外,101E MKII还带有一丝甜美和温暖,有种红酒般的芳醇。
MBL 101 X-treme Omnidirectional Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review
2021年4月3日 · The MBL 101 X-treme loudspeakers are extremely big, extremely expensive, extremely unique, and extremely good. They may be the best speakers ever made at any price for those with a quarter-million dollars to spare.
2022 Golden Ear: MBL 101 X-treme MkII Omnidirectional …
2022 Golden Ear: MBL 101 X-treme MkII Omnidirectional Loudspeaker - These truly remarkable omnidirectional loudspeakers have been awarded Golden Ears from me for the past three years (and an Overall Product of the Year Award from TAS in 2019), but since they remain the most realistic-sounding loudspeakers I’ve ever heard, I’m awarding them ...
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