Audiogon Discussion Forum
2006年1月18日 · I currently own the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 (24/192) and am curious as to how the 1531 would compare to my EMC-1. I have recently a/b compared the Audio Aero Capitole …
Has anyone heard an MBL 1531 with an external DAC?
2011年10月14日 · Just a thought. It may be worth your time to consider replacing the 1531 rather than using it as an expensive transport. There are CD Players out there like a Wadia S7i. It's a …
MBL 1531 cdp vs. Wadia 861 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年10月28日 · Can some one provide your comments or audition experiences on new MBL 1531 cdp? Or even the comments on MBL 1531 vs. Wadia 861 (standard version).Thanks...
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2013年5月30日 · I am looking at the possibilities of a transport change from my trusty MBL 1531, and candidates vary but I'm keen to hear any views from those that have have any first hand …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2007年11月16日 · 1531 uses CD-Pro2M from Philips. It costs ~ 300 EUR form daisy laser.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2008年9月13日 · Sorry for the newbee question but I have the MBL 1531 transport and 1511 DAC- If I want to get into SACD can I just get a transport and use the 1511 DAC?? If so any …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2010年4月5日 · Hi In my opinion I say go for it,I got the SBP-64X with the MD-1 transport and I love it,very well designed units,the best Krell effort in digital.The Reference 64 comes with …
Laser assembly for MBL 1531 cd.Cost and type used
2007年11月16日 · Thanks Mike, glad to hear you're up and running. The 1531 is really a terrific player IMO.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2006年3月14日 · MBL 1531 cdp (Siltech G6 Ruby Hill new Cryo) Audio Research Reference III preamp (VH Audio Airsine (imported from US) Krell FBP 200c class A pwramp internal …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2013年11月10日 · Sounded like my MBL 1531 CDP which was/is no slouch! Without listening to the MBL vs MC 501A (MBL is in for repairs) side by side I have no idea what the differences …