MBL 9006 Stereo Power Amplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by MBL. To purchase 9006 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer.
MBL 9006 | 音響足跡 - audio.misway.com
Peak Pulse Power 2200/1200 W (2ohm ) (Mono/Stereo) Rated Power 950/320 W (2ohm ) 750/200 W (4ohm ) 470 W (8ohm ) Output Voltage max. 100 / 50 V peak
MBL 9006 power amplifier in silver For Sale | Audiogon
We sell here a MBL 9006 power amplifier in silver It's in mint condition with original flight case If you have any questions about it, please contact us. It's with 12 month warranty. Please visit our Website and our Online Shop. Worldwide Shipping is also possible, please ask us for a quotation.
家訪隨筆: 消失的揚聲器 ~ by kelvin11 : Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部
mbl 9006 我聽說用mbl喇叭的都盡量會用一套西裝 (或完全體), 但我知道他並不是玩”完全體”的, 這台重達70kg的mbl 9006後級也是最近主人家才換的, 我對mbl的器材並不太熟悉, 查一查資料, 才知道原來9006每聲道輸出達200W (4 ohm), 用那麼大的功率去駕馭一對小型喇叭 ...
老音响迷谈经典器材----台湾音响论坛的文章 - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱 …
1 天前 · 与我目前使用的mbl 9006相较呢? 若以一部后级驱动GenesisⅡ喇叭,mbl 9006不见得全面胜过F-18 ,F-18的中低频较9006强劲,但9006中高频的质感又胜过F-18。 如果每声道各使用一部后级驱动,9006就有把握全面胜过F-18了,但此时 9006的价格早已超过F-18太多了。
MBL 9006 specs, manual & images - Hifi Speaker Wiki
Brand: Mbl. Power Output: 470W into 8Ω (stereo), 750W (mono) Frequency Response: 1Hz to 320kHz; Distortion: 0.0017%; Damping Factor: 600; Speaker Impedance: 2Ω (minimum) Input Sensitivity: Signal to Noise Ratio: 123dB; Dimensions: 480 x …
mbl Reference 9007 power amplifier | Stereophile.com
2006年9月23日 · The circuitry includes mbl's exclusive Direct Push/Pull (DPP) design, which is claimed to minimize delay by shunting part of the signal directly to the output instead of routing it through various stages along the way; and mbl's Isolated Gain Cell (IGC) technology, which requires less current and lets the amp run cool while offering class-A ...
我们对比过两者,它们在声音取向上不同,9006声底似9010,声音密度比9010薄一些,少一些9010的霸气和皇者风范,但mbl独有的高贵感和飘逸一点也不少。 8011在中低
2024年11月11日 · MBL 9006 POWER AMPLIFIERS (SELLING AS A PAIR) S/N 15918 & 16018 Local pickup available in Los Angeles. Please contact us for a price or feel free to make your best offer. While we do take trade-ins when we sell new equipment, our business model does not allow us to take trade-ins against used, consignment, or demo items for sale.
『豪陞中古二手音響』 德國 MBL 9006 MONO後級一套 | Yahoo奇 …
價格: $400,000 元