MBL Akustikgeräte
MBL has pushed beyond conventional physics to engineer unparalleled hi-fi components. Our ground-breaking innovations dazzle the senses, allowing you to swim in the sonorous world of a master cellist, delight in the impulsive mischief of a jazz clarinet, or thrill to the spellbinding power of a violin battalion charging through Vivaldi’s Four ...
High End Radialstrahler Loudspeakers from MBL
MBL Radialstrahlers energize rooms with high-resolution aural 3D sound – the music moves, breathes and encompasses listeners as though at a live performance. The unconventional elliptical shapes suggest high art; true, when the science of physics combines cutting-edge technology with brilliant design.
德国 MBL | 汇聚Hi-End影音,发烧从6HIFI开始,买音响上6HIFI音响发 …
mbl是德国Hi End音响的指标品牌之一,Corona系列则是mbl新推出的「入门Hi End」系列产品,外观走晶亮黑与白两种色彩,外观精致,视觉上有着简洁的美感,可是mbl这次在Corona系列上面的用心,不仅是外观上的修饰,内容也多有新意,在顶尖的Reference系列之外,mbl ...
MBL Electronics
MBL’s Noble Line is based on the cutting-edge of applied science. New amplifier technology includes Linear Analog Switching Amplification (LASA 2.0), intelligent networking, unsurpassed material quality, and a dignified, elegant appearance – winning ingredients that deliver sonic bliss from MBL’s best-selling electronics series.
德国 MBL C15 单声道后级:被幸福感包围的绝妙体验 - 6HIFI
2019年10月8日 · mbl的lasa技设可以让你完全改观,以往d类令人诟病的冷、涩、硬、薄完全消失无踪,真实的乐器质感与扎实的驱动力,足以让你忘却它的d类放大本质。我不确定lasa日后会不会延伸到mbl其他高级型号,但可以肯定的是,c15绝对是目前完全释放lasa潜力的顶级机种。
由衷推荐的好听,就是它: 德国 MBL C41 数位串流播放机
2024年2月17日 · MBL去年推出了震撼音响圈的C41 Network-DAC播放器,是目前MBL唯一单独的网络串流播放器并且兼具最新MBL True Peak技术的数位模拟转换电路,能够更正确地回放音乐信号。
当代High End音响的工艺典范: mbl noble line与101 E ... - hifidiy
mbl N31 CD-DAC CD唱盘与数位类比转换器除了可播放CD外,也是一台功能完整的DAC,N31与前级N11造型几乎完全一样,中间是一个5″大型的TFT彩色显示萤幕 (无触控功能),萤幕两旁都有六个按键,两者唯一的差别就是N31的萤幕下方是吸入式的CD口、N11则是音量旋钮。 (1) 吸入式CD的读取速度很快。 (2) 若CD有TEXT资讯,会显示在萤幕上。 (3) 装置有红外线感应,只要有手接近,就会自动显示选单让用家操控,很有未来科技感。 (4) mbl SmartLink 2.0,整个系统的 …
MBL Noble Line N11/N15 Preamp & Monoblock Power Amps - Hi-Fi …
2022年3月4日 · Handbuilt in Berlin, this preamp and monoblock power amp defies the industrial look, favouring instead an exquisite finish. And the sound more than lives up to the style. By any standards, the Noble series from Berlin-based MBL is a looker.
MBL Akustikgeräte
Ecken, Kanten und monochrome Flächen beherrschen die HiFi-Ästhetik? Nicht bei MBL: Das einzigartige, radiale Abstrahlprinzip unserer Lautsprecher definiert unkonventionelle, futuristisch anmutende Bauformen, Design-Traditionen der Klassischen Moderne prägen das Gesicht unserer Elektronik-Komponenten, einzigartige Fertigungsqualität verleiht ...
MBL Radialstrahler 101 E MkII Loudspeaker - Hi-Fi News
2021年7月1日 · Few loudspeakers are as instantly recognisable as the 'Radialstrahlers' – directly translated 'radial emitters' – designed and built by German brand MBL. At every international hi-fi show their appearance draws crowds while the all-encompassing sound of those iconic 'melons' keeps visitors rooted to their seats. Am I giving away the punchline?