国际海运中HBL与MBL的区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MBL的英文全称是 Master Bill of Lading,俗称船东提单、船东单,如果有分单的话,MBL通常也被称为主单。 HBL的英文全称是 House Bill of Lading,俗称货代提单、货代单,如果要出分单,那么分单肯定是由货代出的,既然是货代出的,因此所有分单都是HBL——但是并不是所有HBL都是分单,因为有很多是不出分单的。 也有少部分人把货代提单叫做Forwarder Bill of Loading。 要注意的是,提单 (无论MBL还是HBL)只是针对海运而言的。 航空、铁路的运输单据,严格来说, …
House bill of lading (hbl) vs Master Bill of lading (Mbl)
In the world of international shipping, bill of lading (BOL) are critical documents that ensure smooth cargo movement across borders. Two commonly used types are the House Bill of Lading (HBL) and the Master Bill of Lading (MBL).
海运提单 (MBL) 和货代提单 (HBL) 的区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
海运提单(mbl)和货代提单(hbl)是国际海运中两种重要的提单类型,它们的主要区别在于签发方、适用范围以及在货物运输过程中所扮演的角色。 理解这两种提单的区别对于进出口商来说至关重要。
Master Bill of Lading vs. House Bill of Lading & How It Impacts You
2020年7月30日 · The main difference between the HBL and MBL is that an HBL is issued by an NVOCC (or freight forwarder) and usually lists the actual shipper and consignee, whereas, the MBL is issued by the carrier. Both the House and Master Bill of Lading contain the same accurate, precise, and detailed information about cargo (the number of containers, seal ...
Master Bill of Lading vs. House Bill of Lading - foresmart.com
2 天之前 · The House Bill of Lading (HBL) is a shipping document given to the shipper by the freight forwarder or NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier). HBL deals with individual shipments as opposed to the MBL. When the MBL and HBL Are Used? If you’re shipping less than container load (LCL), MBL and HBL are involved.
外贸知识篇 | 外贸提单B/L、HB/L、MB/L是什么?有何区别?各自 …
提单B/L,英文全称为bill of lading,是一种海运提单。 根据货物是否已装运,是运输合同的证明;是货物的收据;是物权凭证。 根据货物是否已装船,可分为装货提单和待收提单。 货代提单HB/HB/L,也称小提单,英文全称为house bill of lading,是货代公司基于MB/L出的提单,需要在目的港的指定代理或分公司换取MB/L。 船公司提单MB/L,也称大提单,英文全称master bill of lading,是船务公司出具的提单,只要有MB/L,任何人都可以在目的港直接向船公司提货。 …
House Bill of Lading vs. Master Bill of Lading
Unlike the House Bill of Lading (HBL), which is issued by freight forwarders or Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs), the MBL is issued by the mainline carrier itself. It represents the agreement between the carrier and the shipper for transporting goods from the port of origin to the port of destination.
Bill of Lading—MBL vs HBL - Mohawk Global
The differences between the two types of Bills of Lading—Master Bill of Lading (MBL) and House Bill of Lading (HBL)—are subtle, yet important to understand. If the B/L is issued as a “negotiable” then that indicates evidence of title. If the B/L is issued as a “non-negotiable” then that would not be evidence or title.
HBL货代单与MBL船东单的区别在哪里? - 百运网
2024年12月7日 · 货代单HBL (House Bill of Lading)与船东单MBL (Master Bill of Lading)在国际贸易和海运领域具有显著的区别,主要体现在以下几个方面: 一、签发主体与性质. HBL(货代单): 签发主体:由 货运代理 (货代)签发。 货运代理是连接发货人和承运人 (船公司)的中间商,提供货物运输代理服务。 性质:HBL是货运代理在承接货物运输业务时向发货人签发的一种凭证,也称分提单或货运代理提单。 它详细记录了货物的名称、数量、起运地和目的地等关键信息, …
MBL和HBL的区别是什么? - 外贸日报
2022年4月25日 · MBL是船东提单 Master Bill Of Lading 的缩写,HBL是货代提单 House Bill Of Lading 的缩写,MBL和HBL的区别主要有以下4点: MBL和HBL的区别一: MBL是船东签发的提单,可以以此来提货;
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