Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Ti, Te, Fi, Fe explained thoroughly.
2024年7月25日 · MBTI is studying what people describe is going on in their brain to determine why whey behave a certain way in the world. The difference is subtle but important. 2 people may have the same thought process inside their brain but depending on their circumstances they may act in 2 different ways, even though the cause is the same.
Personality Cafe
A forum community dedicated to all ranges of personality types and people. Come join the discussion about health, behavior, care, testing, personality...
Most Logical To The Most Emotional List | Personality Cafe
2011年10月17日 · NF types are the most sensitive, with INFJ being the most logical one out of them all. Then it's ENFJ, ENFP, and finally INFP as the most sensitive out of this group and, sadly, the entire MBTI family. We'll start the list with 1 being the most emotional/sensitive, and the last as the most logical and thick-skinned. INFP; ENFP; ENFJ; INFJ; ISFP ...
Most feminine to most masculine types | Personality Cafe
2019年6月2日 · I'm also flattered that people think of ISTJs as the most masculine type, but lol, no! Way too uptight and anxious to even get remotely close to that title. We are essentially the betas of the MBTI community. But if your definition of masculinity is a strong and loyal provider for those he cares for, then yes I agree they fit the bill.
Myers Briggs Forum - Personality Cafe
2010年11月17日 · MBTI type & Girl-Next-Door Fashion Aesthetic. lilacleia16; Jan 20, 2025; 40 1.4K Mar 14, 2025. by ...
mbti types in fantasy world | Personality Cafe
2015年8月31日 · Here are my personifications of the MBTI types as anime characters. The intuitive types use magic, and the sensing types use weapons. NTs: ENTP Name: Raye Epithet: The Akashic Glitch Gender: Female Ethnicity: English Hair: Green and spiky. Eyes: Green Clothes: Black tank top, leather miniskirt, combat boots. Magic: Anything chaotic! INTP Name ...
Hunter x Hunter's Nen Types and Myers-Briggs | Personality Cafe
2015年3月30日 · Yeah, Nen type description does remind you of MBTI description. As strange as it seems, I'm an ENFP and got manipulator as my results on the online tests. I do think Enhancer and Specialist fit ENFP description better, but the given manipulator's description rings true to me to a certain degree.
MBTI and D&D Alignment correlations | Personality Cafe
2010年1月2日 · MBTI is an improvement on the rigid D & D terminology. I am of Elven stock and I don't get on with Dwarves.
Most stressed type to least stressed | Personality Cafe
2012年10月5日 · Not related to MBTI at all, this is a factor of the big five neuroticism scale, yes there are many INFJs(or whatever type) who are low in this scale. INFJ would just correlate to someone who is high in openness(N), high in conscientiousness(J), low in extroversion(I), and higher in agreeableness(F).
Masculine and feminine functions... | Personality Cafe
2019年11月25日 · So let's skip ahead with all these bullcrap and let's just go straight to the MBTI point from here. So if there is such a thing as male and female brains then naturally, if MBTI holds any merit, then some of the functions must be aligned more with the head or masculine side of the coin while the other ones with the tails or feminine side of the ...