gun - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Introduces guns into minecraft, RPG style, 3d models, 30 gun effects, 9 weapon styles. A new and exciting weapon mod with attachments and enchantments! A support library for Jackyy's mods. A modern gun mod with a huge selection of weapons of well built and modeled firearms, full customizability, addon support, and a whole lot more!
ModularWarfare - Guns & more - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
ModularWarfare is a 1.12.2 mod made for military stuff, it is content-pack based and allow you to create your guns, attachments, magazines, bullets, armors & backpacks. This new version allows you to add your stuff without minecraft modding knowledges, everything is based on .json files (plain text configurations).
【Top10】【枪械模组】Minecraft最佳枪械模组 (1.20.4 - 1.12…
我想向你们展示我设法找到的最好的 10 个 Minecraft 枪支模组,这些在享受和游戏中的实际使用方面是最好的。
[TaC]永恒枪械工坊 (Timeless and Classics Guns) - MC ... - MC百科
Timeless and Classics Guns 模组是由国内作者起重基喵与 Timeless Squad 制作的一款高版本(1.16.5、1.18.2)的枪械模组. 该模组沿用了 Mrcrayfish's guns 的部分架构. 添加了许多拥有精致模型和动画的枪械及对应的配件,每把武器都有自己独特的动画和属性
Minecraft 1.12.2: Top 10 Best Gun Mods - Minecraft Guides Wiki
2022年3月26日 · 10 mods that add guns and weapons into Minecraft, which could be used as weapons, or for collecting and moving blocks and materials around! Guns can be added to many Minecraft modpacks, adding new styles of gameplay.
更多的枪 (Additional Guns) - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD …
Additional Guns是MrCrayfish的枪的扩展模组,添加了由社区制作的新枪。 后期将增加更多的新枪和新特色。 如果你感兴趣的话,参考本模组的源代码将有助于你编写扩展模组。
ModularWarfare - Guns & more - Planet Minecraft
2021年8月16日 · ModularWarfare is a 1.12.2 mod made for military stuff, it is content-pack based and allow you to create your guns, attachments, magazines, bullets, armors & backpacks.
~SCORCHED GUNS 2~ - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
拥有超过 40 种枪的庞大武器库,从火枪到霰弹枪和机枪,再到自动导弹发射器和射线枪。 在这个广阔的模组中发现新资源,与强大的敌人战斗,并探索险要的地牢。 与 Framework 0.7.6 不兼容,出现重新加载错误! 请使用 Framework 0.6.27 版本! 1.20.1版本开始需要 Curios API 作为前置。 要编辑武器属性/配方/生物生成,请使用数据包 Scorched Guns 2 tweaker Datapack。 不使用 机械动力 但是需要获得黄铜以及其他矿石来源的话,请使用矿石附属Mod Scorched Guns: …
Hand Made Guns And Vehicles REBORN - 1.12.2 - Planet Minecraft
2025年2月25日 · Contains a huge fleet of modern military vehicles, WW2 and Cold War. It also contains giant war robots, helicopters, planes, boats and military ships! The mod also contains a huge arsenal of highly detailed and unique 3D weapons! Also contains decorative models typical of a war simulator.... Attention! I didn't create the mod!
ModularWarfare - Minecraft Mod - Modrinth
ModularWarfare is a 1.12.2 mod made for military stuff, it is content-pack based and allow you to create your guns, attachments, magazines, bullets, armors & backpacks. This new version allows you to add your stuff without minecraft modding knowledges, everything is based on .json files (plain text configurations).