Lockheed MC-130 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed MC-130 is the basic designation for a family of special mission aircraft operated by the United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), a wing of the Air Education and Training Command, and an AFSOC-gained wing of the Air Force Reserve Command.
MC-130H COMBAT TALON II > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The MC-130H Combat Talon II provides infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces and equipment in hostile or denied territory. Secondary missions include psychological operations, and helicopter and vertical lift air refueling.,
MC-130J Commando II - Lockheed Martin
The MC-130J Commando II multimission combat transport/special operations tanker, assigned to the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), delivers increased combat performance to the warfighter with its more powerful engines and unique features.
MC-130J Commando II > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The MC-130J is air refuellable and features an advanced flight station, fully integrated digital avionics and navigation, auxiliary flight deck stations, and turboprop engines with six-bladed, all-composite propellers.
MC-130W“龙矛”特种作战运输机 - 百度百科
美国特种作战司令部(socom)的人员在一架新型mc-130w的机翼上已试验了挂载250磅的 gps 制导炸弹 ,为在阿富汗的地面部队提供快速火力支援。一位socom官员称,试验是在4周内进行的,但还没有投入到作战使用。
2019年11月7日 · MC-130J飞机一共搭载四台Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3发动机,这是一款六桨叶全复合材料可变桨距螺旋桨发动机,单台最大输出功率4637轴马力,是新款C-130系列飞机的独家动力装置。
MC-130J Commando II - Air Force Special Operations Command
The MC-130J Commando II flies clandestine, low-level air refueling missions for special operations helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft, and infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of special operations forces in sensitive or hostile territories.
Inside Air Force Special Operation Command’s MC-130 - Defense News
2018年3月29日 · The Air Force's multimission, special operations versions of the C-130 are constantly on the go at Kadena Air Base, Japan. Take a rare inside look at the aircraft and operations.
神兵天降——美国MC-130系列特种作战飞机 - 360doc
2015年6月30日 · mc-130系列特种作战飞机专用于执行隐蔽渗透、空降侦查、掩护撤离、支援地面特种部队作战以及为执行特种作战任务的直升机/转翼机提供空中加油支援。
美国MC-130H特种作战飞机 - 百度百科
美国改装的特种作战飞机,主要用于进行渗透、再补给和从敌战区撤退部队,航程7782千米,载重13600千克。 机上装有精确的 地形跟踪雷达 、导航系统、电子干扰等电子设备,以保障在夜间复杂气象条件下深入敌后活动。 美国在C-130运输机基础上改装的特种作战飞机,主要用于进行渗透、再补给和从敌战区撤退部队。