T-18 tank - Wikipedia
The T-18 light tank (also called MS-1, Russian: малый сопровождения, первый, romanized: maliy soprovozhdeniya, pearviy, "Small [Vehicle for] Support, First [type/example]") was the first Soviet-designed tank. Produced from 1928 to 1931, it was based on the Renault FT, with the addition of a vertically sprung suspension. [2]
The MC-1. The Soviet Union’s First Tank. | by kcatfish - Medium
2011年9月7日 · MC-1 Tanks were Russia’s first real entry into the new armored battlefield vehicles. First referred to as the T-18, the finished products were assigned to Red Guard infantry units as the MC-1...
T-18- First Soviet Tank (Ms-1) - Real History Online
2021年3月18日 · The Soviet Union’s First Tank T-18 (MC-1) – Soviet light/Infantry support tank in the 1920s. Created in between 1925-1927. It became the first Soviet-designed tank.
Trajan's Tanks - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
Trajan's Tanks 是一个旨在为 Minecraft Java 版添加坦克的模组,用于战争模拟。作者还为该模组添加了反坦克火炮 。 用法: 首先,为 1.18.2 Forge 安装 JEI 和 Geckolib。这个模组相当简单,你应该能够在没有帮助的情况下弄清楚它。
Light tank MC-1: the heir of the famous, the progenitor of the …
But from this moment until the creation of the first prototype of the first Soviet large-scale tank MS-1, aka T-18, another three years passed - and they were not wasted. Tanks MS-1 from the first series in 30 machines during the November parade in Moscow in 1929.
Light tank MC-1: the heir of the famous, the progenitor of the …
2017年5月26日 · The story of the first Soviet high-volume tank is probably the story of his “grandfather” - the French tank Automitrailleuse à chenilles Renault FT modèle 1917, better known as Renault FT-17. It is his features that are easily recognized in the appearance of the MC-1, and it is his layout that repeats the layout of the T-18.
Soviet T-18 light tank (1928)
Called Maliy Soprovozhdeniya-Perviy or "first small support vehicle", the MS-1 as it was first known, had learned a great deal from the Renault FT. The design was made by Professor V. Zaslavsky, under the supervision of the Central Directorate of Military Industries. The general layout was kept unchanged.
T-18 (MS-1) Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年5月14日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the T-18 (MS-1) Light Tank including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003 MENU
[CTD]机械动力:坦克防御 (Create Tank Defenses) - MC ... - MC百科
Tank Hatch:类似于活板门的方块,但硬度和爆炸抗性更高,可以防御火炮、机炮甚至炸弹的攻击; Barbed Wire:用于阻止某些人和生物的行动,可以减速并伤害其中的生物,还会使其无法跳跃,尽管伤害不高,但确实挺有效的。
Soviet escort tank MS-1 (T-18) - knifesburg.ru
MS-1, or T-18, is a light infantry tank whose name stands for “Small Escort”. In the mid-20s of the last century, tanks in the USSR were divided not in the classic way for today: Heavy, Medium and Light, but in a different way: Small, Main and Maneuverable. The MS-1 was precisely a “Small” class tank, hence part of its name.