S-Series - Premium Studio-Monitoring Amplifiers - MC2 Audio
Designed for use in the best studio monitoring environments, but equally at home in any application where transparency and “no compromise“ performance are the focus, the S Series deliver the sound quality and reliability expected from MC².
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MC2 S Series Manual
Designed for use in the best studio monitoring environment, but equally at home in any application where transparency and “no compromise“ performance are the focus, the S Series amplifiers deliver the sound quality and reliability expected from MC2.
MC2 Audio S-series - Sound On Sound
There are two S-series models, the S-800 and the S-1400. Both are surprisingly compact 2U rackmount designs, but they’re reassuringly heavy beasts — the S-800 weighs 20.5kg and the more powerful S-1400, 23.25kg.
我在使用MC2功放,但不会推荐你去使用 - 耳机网
2023年5月20日 · 本人mc2 1400和800的用户,优点很多,所在价位里面的王者,三频均衡,控制力强,动态瞬态一流,而且难得的是声音还很细腻。 1400目前两万出头的价格,同场与PASS LABS350.5、拜世通啥啥啥后级(型号忘记咯)对比驱动PMC MB2,素质绝对不落下风,甚至会 …
MC2 Audio S-Series S800 Amplifier - Reverb
Designed for use in the best studio monitoring environments, but equally at home in any application where transparency and “no compromise“ performance are the focus, the S Series deliver the sound quality and reliability expected from MC².
功放机大力士——英国MC2平方HS800后级功放搭配推丹拿ATC等 …
2020年5月3日 · mc2 audio s800功放机在8欧时可输出475w功率,并可允许2欧工作,mc2 audio s1400功放机在8欧时可输出775w功率。 MC2 AUDIO的灵魂工程师Terry的设计深受人们的青睐,这就是横空出世的HS系列Hi-Fi产品。
有用过英国MC2后级的吗 - 极品人生 - Powered by Discuz!
2023年8月19日 · mc2 s1400 推力不错,但音质音色不见能超过拜士通。本坛烧友闲云孤鹤同时借了二台拜士通和一台mc2 s1400,使用对比一个月,最后买下拜士通。
良田便携式高拍仪 S1800/S1800A2/S1800A3_1600万像素 ... - Eloam
良田高拍仪s1800/s1800a2/s1800a3,1600万像素超强扫描,便于携带高拍仪扫描仪。 新良田 产品中心
[音源] 有甚么專業功放的声音比英国出產的MC2 MC1250好?
2015年4月11日 · 我用過CROWN MACRO REFERENCE II, lab gruppen和MC2 MC1250 PK,結果MC2勝出 所以相找一些比MC2好的功放.
Need we say more? Glowing S Series Review in a HiFi Setting! - MC2
2020年3月31日 · The fan kits I purchased for both the S800 and S1400, installed by a local audio technician, were exactly what I needed. I no longer have anything but praise for these amplifiers. Impeccable audio quality, as always, with no distracting fan noise. Bravo, MC2 Audio!