MC38-hPD-L1 - 南模生物
Figure 1. hPDL1 expression in wild-type MC38 and MC38-hPDL1 cell lines. Figure 2. Tumor growth curve of MC38-hPDL1 syngeneic model (n=3). Figure 3. The expression of hPDL1 in …
MC38-hPD-L1/hTROP2 - 南模生物
Figure 2. Tumor growth curve of MC38-hPDL1/hTROP2 syngeneic model (n=3). Figure 3. The expression of hPDL1 and hTROP2 in humanized modified tumors by FACS.
MC38-hPD-L1(2) - 南模生物
Humanized genO-MC38-hPD-L1-LZ reporter tumor cell line
The genO-MC38-hPD-L1-LZ clonal cell line expresses high levels of human PD-L1 and forms solid tumors in vivo. An optimized version of a luciferase-ZsGreen (LZ) fusion protein is also …
PD1/PDL1 信号转导通 路是肿瘤免疫抑制的重要组成部分,可以抑制 T 淋巴细胞的兴奋,增强肿瘤细胞的免疫耐 受,从而实现肿瘤免疫逃逸。 PD1 与 PDL1 结合可以减弱 T 细胞介导的免疫监 …
B-hPD-L1 MC38 plus|百奥赛图官网 - Biocytogen
PD-L1 expression analysis in B-hPD-L1 MC38 plus cells by flow cytometry. Single cell suspensions from wild-type MC38 and B-hPD-L1 MC38 plus cultures were stained with …
MC38-hPDL1 (Tg)-mPDL1 (KO)_GemPharmatech
流式检测MC38-hPDL1 (Tg)-mPDL1 (KO)细胞中hPDL1、mPDL1的表达。 江苏集萃药康生物科技股份有限公司成立于2017年,是一家专业从事实验动物小鼠模型的研发、生产、销售及相关 …
MC38-hPDL1 (Tg)-mPDL1 (KO)-hCD73 (Tg)-mCD73 …
细胞系名称 MC38-hPDL1(Tg)-mPDL1(KO)-hCD73(Tg)-mCD73(KO) 疾病类型 结肠癌; 细胞类型 人源化细胞系; 来源 鼠源; 宿主小鼠 B6-hPD1/hPDL1/hCD73
Generation of hPD-L1 replacement MC-38 tumor animal
Numerous studies have confirmed the possibility of interactions between murine PD-1 and human PD-L1. In a study, MC-38-Hpd-L1 cells were subcutaneously inoculated into C57BL/6 mice, …
Humanized genO-MC38-hPD-L1-hHER2-LZ reporter tumor cell line
The genO-MC38-hPD-L1-LZ clonal cell line expresses high levels of human PD-L1 and forms solid tumors in vivo. An optimized version of a luciferase-ZsGreen (LZ) fusion protein is also …